UH oh, maybe I am just.......whacked? the real truth is I am getting THREE kittens. LOL-- I have ALWAYS had cats----plural. our last one died a couple weeks ago.
A new litter is born and right now we only have my dog....who I got when I was very ill and son started school--I was so afraid that between no longer being able to work and my last little one going to school- I owuld be so lonesome for a "baby" soo I got my first ever SMALL dog and while everyone around me thought me bonkers, I have never ever regretted it at all. My dog goes with me EVERYWHERE.
I always absolutely thrived on babies and toddlers------but at my age, a small dog seemed the next best thing. and now logic tells me a 2nd small dog might be more commitment than I can deliver, but--I always got 2-3 cats at a time, becuz------cats can amuse themself and if you have more than one, they seem more able to be alone more or something. BUT see, I have THREE kids------and the litter was born of THREE kitties---so- the kids think THEY are each getting a kitty.......BUT you see? I am getting new "babies" but ones that will not demand the same from me as a human baby, LOL. AND I can always tell the kids OH they are YOURs- YOU take care of it. LOL.
I loved being preg, I loved new babies-----my sis in law always told me I could have all the babies and she would take them from age 8-10 or so on. That always seeemed to me to be the best of all worlds, LOL. diapers, nursing, rocking a baby all hours- I LOVED it, even at the time, even when I was entrenched in it, even when I was keeling over tired.
I could NOT work labor-delivery or peds as a nurse becuz.......my mouth hangs open in awe and wonder at the beauty of a baby and the wonder of new life. It hypnotizes me. I could hold a new baby or young child for hours and hours, can change endless diapers----and crawl around the floor endlessly with a small kid.
Ah but.......there are still times I can look into my kids faces and still see my "babies" in there......awwwwww.
We visit our new kitties now and aww, it is so precious.
I keep telling myself growing plants in my garden is almost as good. LOL.