Good Morning Friday


Active Member
G'day, everyone.

I had a moderately quiet day today. Got some washing done, weeded the vegetable garden (the soil's great at the moment, now it's been wetted down again) and tried to make some phone calls to organise things, but it seems everyone's taken Friday off.

difficult child 3 has to work over the weekend again, but he's had two weekends off, he's OK with it. He's going with husband tomorrow to work on the train tracks but difficult child 3 is taking his portable word processor so he can finish his schoolwork. He will have more to do in the 'Net when he gets home.

easy child 2/difficult child 2 was again feeling sick and in pain all day at work and has come home feeling sicker than last night. I'm taking her to the hospital in the morning, unless she gets worse tonight. Saturday morning is maybe a quieter time in Emergency than Friday or Saturday night. We'll drop her boyfriend off at work on the way. She's not eating much now, just enough to stop the worst hunger pangs. I'm certain it's appendicitis, previously chronic but getting worse.

This weekend is our village festival. I was supposed to be teaching somewhere else on Sunday but I found today that this has been postponed, so I can go to the festival after all! A good thing, too, because if difficult child 3 goes someone will need to keep an eye on him to keep him safe. The festival also includes a really good art exhibition which I'm looking forward to. The opening night is tonight but I gave up going to them - it's not so much the glitterati literati set, but the wannabes, mingling with the artists. Too many people to see the artwork properly anyway. If we get back early enough tomorrow (from the hospital) we'll have a look then.

I'm posting this now because I want to be in bed much earlier tonight - I'm going to need my sleep, I suspect.

Have a fun Friday, everyone.


Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning,

Marguerite-I sure hope easy child/difficult child 2 is feeling better soon. I'm glad you are taking her to the hospital as this has been hanging on awhile. I'm glad difficult child 3 is o.k. with do schoolwork this weekend. Enjoy the festival!

Well it is finally Friday and it has been one long week. Can you believe I don't have anything after work today? husband is going to set up for the wrestling tournament and their is preregistration tonight but I'm keeping difficult child home. I may even get to the club. :smile: Of course, tomorrow it's back to craziness. We have to be at the tournament to work from 6:30-6:30. I think our niece and maybe a nephew are going to take difficult child for awhile so he doesn't have too much unstructured time there. easy child is coming to help (not willingly-but she hasn't been complaining either!).

I hope everyone has reason to smile today. :smile:Hi to anyone who snuck in. :princess:


New Member

Marg- i hope the kids feel better, and you enjoy the festival it sounds fun.

Well difficult child called my mom yesterday and left a message, he said hi i am still at school i'm going to mcdonalds with friends then i'll be dropped off at home, when i got home last night he goes how does it feel to have your baby grow up lol. I'm very glad he has a good group of friends, and he had fun. Today is work for me, difficult child has no school it's a professional day. Tomorrow i am off to the baby fair in Boston with my niece and sister, then at night to see my friends band play, i hope you all have a great weekend!!!


New Member
TGIF! This morning is difficult child's appointment. Tics are still really bad, he hurt himself last night hitting a wall when he was bending over (that's the tic). He did however make the game and your thoughts and prayers must have worked because despite his tics...HE GOT A SHUT-OUT! The only goalie again of 4 to do this :smile: He has so much courage to go and play even though he knew people would stare. He found very interesting ways on the ice to hide it which neither husband or I had ever seen before. I hope so much that the Neuro can find something for him though.

Busy weekend for easy child, she and her pony are travelling to a different barn to see how her pony will handle changes before her show season. He is very green so everything is new.

husband and I are taking a well needed break tonight and going to go and see a movie and have dinner. Kiddo's will have a sleepover with g'ma :smile:

Keep difficult child in your thoughts this morning. As always, they work wonders!

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Everyone :coffee:,

Marge, Poor easy child 2/difficult child 2!!! I hope a :doctor: can get her medical problem resolved!!! It has definitely been too long for her to be having so much pain!!! I'll be keeping her in my prayers :angel:... Enjoy the festival!!! It sounds like lots of fun... I would love to go to the art exhibit with you!!!

Sharon, I soon as I'm done reading the Good Morning thread, I'm going to update myself on what is going on with your difficult child. Unfortunately, while I was thinking about you last night, I didn't have a chance to go on-line. You sound better this morning. I'm glad you're going to try to get a :smile: in!!! It sounds like you have a very BUSY day tommorrow!!! Please stay SAFE and make sure you get in as much "ME" time as possible :flower:!!!

Jen, It sounds like difficult child is doing well!!! I'm so glad!!! Enjoy your weekend - it sounds like it'll be lots of fun...

I think I'm going to be in for a struggle with difficult child 2's transition from middle school to high school. This morning I'm going to try to get help from an organization that provides free advocates and advice. I have an appointment this morning. I'm putting on my :warrior:!!!

Well, just one more cup of :coffee: and I'm off to begin my day...

Hi to anyone who snuck in... I hope everyone has a good weekend and gets in some much needed "ME" time :smile: :bath: :flower:, etc... WFEN


Well-Known Member
:wink: Yippee, it's Friday - Good Morning Everyone!

Marg, sorry easy child 2 is still feeling so bad. I hope you all have a great time at village day tomorrow.

Sharon, glad you have a night off tonight! Goodness, you have to work 6:30 to 6:30.....aren't there other parents so you guys can do shift work? Hope difficult child holds things together.

Jen, glad to hear difficult child is doing good socially - he really seems to be maturing well!

Christine, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for difficult child - great job on his part by going ahead and playing the game - shows he's a strong guy. Enjoy your date night with husband tonight.

Empty, good luck this morning in your search to get difficult child some help - those transitions are so tough on our difficult children. Like you, I'm looking for the second cup :coffee:

Busy day, but good stuff for me. Going to his the grocer after I take difficult child to school - then it's some banking, a little house stuff, then some me time when I get my nails done.

Wishing you all a great Friday :smile:


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning all,

I slept in this morning. :bath: :princess: I actually feel rested this morning which is good - kt is coming home this morning for a 3 day pass.

And I interview staff for kt this afternoon. kt has her list of questions for potential staff as well. Kind of cracks me up & makes me proud that she is taking an interest in people she will be working with.