Good Morning Friday


Active Member
At last! We managed to lodge our paperwork for our passports! Now we just have to hope nothing glitches up and we get them in the expected time. Then all we have to do is pack - I have my letter from my doctor (still have to get difficult child 3's, I just remembered). I have my printout Health Care Plan too, so if I end up in hospital they have a record they can use. Here's hoping THAT doesn't happen!

I got 'kidnapped' this morning by my fellow-conspirator in things folk and public performance, to sort out a prospective new venue (still sorting). Coffee at the café is useful for chatting to other conspirators wandering past. Then home to supervise difficult child 3's schoolwork - he made good progress today.

husband & I spent this afternoon organising various bits of officialdom and now feel a sense of accomplishment. We need it - tomorrow is a busy day. I'm making sushi for 100-200 for difficult child 1's girlfriend's 21st birthday tomorrow night so I just bought some sashimi tuna and salmon. I've already got some cooked chicken, and I hope the avocados I just bought (a bit out of season) are going to be OK. I'm about to head off and cook the rice.
I'm going to have to make the sushi in the morning, then I have a writers meeting tomorrow afternoon. Then I dash home, grab the sushi and the family and drive out again.

Sunday, I collapse.

But at least we have got a lot done today, I can at last feel sufficiently smug...



Good morning all,

Marg - I was exhausted just reading your post. I'd say collapse on Sunday with a good book.

We have a quiet day here today. I picked up difficult child's schoolwork since she's been absent and I'll help her work on that. I have some housework to do since the elves are apparently on strike and I need to get to the grocery store.

Hope everyone has a great day! :flower:


New Member
Good morning all

Marg - wow! what a busy time you have ahead of you! Hope you get your much deserved relaxation time on sunday.

Heather - hopefully you'll get everything done without too much stress today.

I need to ring the advocacy people today, i am asking that someone comes with us to all the meetings to put OUR views and feeling across, its all well and good difficult child being heard but WE deserve a say as well.

Also need to contact Citizens advice to see if i am able to have a copy of the police reports, school and social services reports plus reports from youth offending team 'just in case'.

Then i need to contact our community officer to make an appointment re taking an injunction out against difficult child .. we need one where he is not allowed to the house, near the car, my sister in laws or easy child#3's biomothers, and also is not allowed to approach myself or SO if we are alone.... does that sound complicated?

Going away to friends for the evening, back tomorrow night.. should be a nice.

Have a good friday. Hi to anyone who snuck in.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning friends,

Marg, sounds like you got a great deal accomplished.

Heather, I believe the elves are here at my house - I'll send them your way when things are complete. :smile:

Lisa, always a good idea to have an advocate for meetings of this sort - good luck.

Somehow, this time of the morning is coming earlier & earlier - the clock says 5:30 but I don't believe it.

kt is up & getting showered & ready for the bus. My day ahead includes paying bills, groceries & errands & then an therapist appointment with wm.

Have a good day - find a reason to laugh; it's the best medicine! :wink:


Well-Known Member
:bravo: Happy Free Choice Friday :bravo:

We made it!!!!!

Marg, glad you got everything ready for the trip! The sushi sounds great - easy child and I have it about once a week for dinner. Glad difficult child 3 is getting his work done - I'll wish for you that Saturday arrives quickly! :smile:

Heather, What is it with those elves anyway :surprise:. Wishing you a quiet day.

Lisa, sounds like your day is a busy one - but the evening away with friends sounds delicious :smile: Have fun!

Yesterday was soooooo productive. easy child doctor appointment. went very well, got the bills paid and payroll done, and got the book fair all set up to open tonight before and after the school's spring musical! Not to mention, ex bonehead suprised the heck outa me and brought over crabcakes for us for dinner and did two repairs I have been asking him to do for a few weeks!

Am going to apply today for the Special Education Advisory Committee. It is volunteer, but you have to apply to serve on the board. I've given it a lot of thought and believe I am somehow being led to this. So, I'll complete the application this afternoon and send it off. This is for my local public school system.

I'm all ready for my busy weekend, well Sunday will be quiet. The kids will be helping me tonight at the Book Fair. difficult child has always loved it (is giving up his Friday night cartoon network job :crazy:), and easy child is actually giving up her Friday social life to help! They are loves.

Wishing everyone a great weekend and a great Free Choice Friday. Remember, it's your choice, make it a good one :wink:



Former desparate mom
Good Morning everyone. It is a free choice Friday. My middle sister arrived yesterday and we have been enjoying the one on one time before the hordes arrive this morning. The weather has been beautiful and promises to continue to be so. We hope to do a shrimp boil which I have never done before. Seems like an obvious choice this close to the source. Wish me luck.

difficult child took money out of his account again. Grrrrrrr. He is a shopaholic. Half was for legitimate reasons but his need to buy is astounding. He knows I check his account on line. If he is short this month I hope he doesn't expect me to bail him out. Bozo! :hammer:

I'm not ruining my time with my sibs getting upset with difficult child.

I hope you get to have a chance to enjoy a spring weekend.
Now for a serious coffee fix.

Stella Johnson

Active Member
Morning everyone!

I am off to difficult child's field day at school. Not sure how long I will last with my knee but I am going to try. It is from 8-11 today.

I'm sure I'll be resting the rest of the day until she gets home from school.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Good Friday Morning everyone,

I have to work, but I'm outta here at 3:30. I have to drive difficult child to work later, so that's my 'out'!

It's rainy and dull gray outside, wish I was still in bed. Feeling a bit blue today for some reason. Not sure why.

husband hasn't had a drink since early December - can't believe how well he's doing. However, he still hasn't found a new counselor. But, I refrain from micromanaging him - it's his deal.

easy child is doing great in school. Her GPA is up at 3.05! Hooray.

difficult child is showing some strong interest in passing her classes so she too can graduate - I'm hopeful today. And she's very interested in car shopping. Also excited about that, except she's mostly been choosing cars outside of her price range, the knucklehead. And racy cars. I told her she needs to redirect her attention to smaller, more affordable, better mileage cars. A firebird?? Puh-leez!

Anyway, have a nice day everyone~