Good Morning Sunday!


Well-Known Member
Good morning!
I'm a bit surprised there was no thread started so I'll go ahead. Not a lot on the agenda today: church, menu planning, & pulling together the rest of my paperwork for taxes. Duckie has been a pistol the last few days... ugh. :hammer:
Have a great day! :coffee:


Good morning everyone.

TM, hope you have a peaceful day.

We don't have much on the agenda either. husband and difficult child 1 are in Florida for spring training (go Red Sox!). Religious school for the girls this morning, and then our babysitter is coming for the afternoon so I can have a respite. I need to pull our tax stuff together as well and file a gazillion health insurance forms. Fun, fun.

Hope you all have a great Sunday. Hi to anyone who snuck in.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning all,

TM, I spent last night finishing up my taxes - think I'm done. Have fun with that.

SW, enjoy respite this afternoon.

The tweedle household is still sleeping - I'm just soaking in the quiet right now.

I'm going to visit wm this morning - we're going out to have a pancake breakfast together. I'm hoping to involve wm in a secret daddy 50th birthday present (model of a '57 chevy) that he, I & foster dad can work on together.

kt's PCA will be in early this morning; husband is taking kt & PCA to Michael's for a plastic knitting loom.

Have a calm Sunday - I don't believe meltdowns are allowed on this day.


Well-Known Member
:salute: Good Morning.

It's a lovely morning here, a bit cool with a bright, sunny, blue sky.

TM, enjoy your day - doesn't sound like too much on the agenda - it's always good for a Sunday.

SW, enjoy your respite time this afternoon. Don't do any work, just relax and be good to you!

Linda, I don't think meltdowns are allowed on Sunday either - here's hoping....

Had a big crowd of easy child's friends here last night for dinner. It was a fun night, but a late one. One spent the night and will be going to Sunday school and worship with us this morning. My SS class will be presenting the children's sermon today on the Prodigal Son. They will be doing a modern version of the Prodigal Son with a sock-puppet show (original skript in modern language that they wrote). Should be interesting.....

A little house stuff to do this afternoon and difficult child has to write his introduction to the abstract for his science fair project and easy child will be doing her hair - washing and drying and then I will straighten for her; just that part takes an hour.

Hopefully the kids and I will be all done by late this afternoon and we can sit down and watch a movie. Bonehead bought us a new LCD tv yesterday and hooked it all up last night.

Wishing all a relaxing Sunday.



New Member
Hi All,
sigh... At least you all are getting those taxes done! LOL! I"m still trying to get husband to do ours. I'm not good at that kind of paperwork. so far, some of my kids will head to church this morning; while I sit at home with one that has a nasty diaper rash.
The sun is shining today and I might head out into the garden to work a bit. hmmm or better yet; I ought to do my homeschooling portfolios for the week. LOL! Cant get away from all paperwork yet.
May the Son warm everyone inside and out today.


New Member

TM- have a nice time at church

Smallworld- very jealous your family is at spring training, Being from Ma. we love the red sox, however ticket prices are outrageous, and difficult child and i never get to go

Linda- have a nice day

Sharon- hope the housework goes by fast

Well last night difficult child had bowling, he's down to little under a month for the tournament, and did real well last night. The downside he and the other boy who also was asked to work there, were now told to call to see if he needs them, i've known this kid for thirty years the" owner of the ally", and bit my tongue not to say why did you offer them a job, if you don't need them. So last night after doing laundry difficult child and i were drving home in a white out condition snow storm, it was 50 all day then, snow it's a wacky state i live in. Well enjoy everybody!!!


Active Member
Good Morning my friends... :smile: Thought I would stop in and say hi.... :flower:

Wishing you all a good, quiet and peaceful day. :smile:

Off to work for me but I am going to try to catch up with some of my old...and new...friends here.



Active Member
G'day, everybody.

I'm very late checking in, I've not been able to get at the computer all evening. So I'm a bit rushed now - not chance to greet people individually, although I'm not going to miss a big "HI!" to Robby who's just dropped in. I hope things are calming down for you, hon.

We had a fairly quiet day - much colder today with strong winds, grey skies and occasional misty rain. Classic March/Easter weather coming in. BF2 has booted easy child 2/difficult child 2 into her own bed tonight because she's finding sleeping on their futon a bit painful for her back. She's improving fast now, eating much better and hardly taking anything for the pain.

A busy day tomorrow - difficult child 3 HAS to finish his geography assignment, I suspect it will take him all day to do it. I need my sleep to be able to help him, so I'll sign off now.




New Member
Good morning everyone.
Wet and dreary here this morning, a glum day.
Mini rages throughout the day yesterday so hoping today will be alot better.
Hope everyone has a peaceful day.


New Member
Good morning everyone. New here as of yesterday and couldnt wait to log on this morning where people actually understand!

Rainy and yucky outside, making for a long day I am sure. Also, Spring Break starts tomorrow, so....he is mine for a week! ARGH!!!!!

husband working nights, so I had no sleep last night dealing with B and then I will deal today as husband sleeps...go figure how that works?? Oh well, he makes the big bucks...NOT!

Have a great day to you all!



Psycho Gorilla Dad
SSDD for us here. difficult child went out yesterday, started off well. "Be home by Midnight". "Okay, Dad". 11:30 rolls around, calls and says he's spending the night somewhere else. I ask where, and said I'm coming to check up on him. See him 1/2 block ahead of me speeding to get there before I do. Says "friend is drunk and passed out", tries to get in house, but the door is locked. Goes around back for a few minutes, so I assume he's been let in.

Go home, try to call after midnight, no answer. Go back at 12:30, he's gone and not answering. Shows up this morning at 7:30, sleeps in till noon, gone again God knows where.


Another long, sleepless Saturday night for me and wife. Sunday looks to be the same as it has for a while; stressful, sleepy, and waiting for the eventual confrontation when difficult child comes home (and he will come home, because he has school tomorrow and that's about the only thing he cares about besides his stoner friends and lifestyle).

Sorry to vent, but Sundays haven't been very good for us lately.



Well-Known Member
Ack, taxes! I have to get them ready, too.
Hi Robbie!
So sorry, Jody.
And so sorry, Mikey. Can you start a post tomorrow and let us know what happened and how you dealt with-it?