Good Morning Everyone :coffee:,
Sharon, I'm glad you're calling the psychiatrist this morning but sorry you have to... I hope psychiatrist is able to difficult child get back on track ASAP!!! After your last class tonight, you deserve to celebrate :smile:!!! Make sure you get some "ME" time in :bath:!!!
Marg, I hope the specialist can get to the bottom of easy child 2/difficult child 2's health problem SOON!!! It must be so frustrating!!! I'm keeping her in my prayers - I hope she is feeling better soon!!! Please keep us updated on difficult child 1's driving lessons. I don't know if I'll make it when my difficult child 1 begins his :nonono:!!! You're making me hungry and I finished breakfast not too long ago!!!
jodyice, I hope the weather improves where you are!!! I hope difficult child takes his medications without it being a struggle!!!
Sharon, I'm getting tired just reading about what you've been up to!!! Make yourself some more :coffee:!!! I understand what you mean about having to make big decisions for difficult children... You're right - making such big decisions is draining in all ways... I'm glad you're taking some time for yourself today :bath: :smile:, etc...!!! You sound good even though you're so BUSY!!!
I think I'm going to have problems with the school system regarding difficult child 2, his transition to high school in Sept., and his (hopefully) eventual transition into the working world. I'm starting to gather my amunition now. I know I really need to be a strong :warrior:!!!
Well, I'm going to have a bit more :coffee:, throw in a load of wash, take a quick shower, and head to work.
Hi to anyone who "snuck" in. I hope everyone has a good day :flower:!!! WFEN