Good news - Bead rattlers welcome!


Active Member
I was months away from a neuro appointment, stuck on a wait list. Last week I called to find out a timeline. I head out of town tomorrow for MRI but woudln't get answers until neuro appointment.
Neuro's office called. The doctor for some reason reviewed the info sent from my doctor and had her receptionist call me and book me asap!!! I could have been in even sooner but we decided might as well do it when we are sure the MRI report will be available.
So I head out of town again for neuro, but instead of waiting months and months more than I already have been in limbo here, I have appointment Feb.1.
I no longer truthfully care about possible diagnosis's etc. I will take whatever I am told in stride as best as i can, I just need answers and possible solutions/treatments.
Could be I'm approaching a chance to start feeling better.
Bead rattles, prayers whatever available would be so appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I hope you get the answers that you need and whatever it is, it's treatable and you will feel better soon.

Rattlin beads and praying for you!


(the future) MRS. GERE
That is good news, Melissa. I hope the test results are good, too. Fingers crossed!



New Member
good news Melissa, you are in my Prayers my friend.
Please PM me with your phone number so I can call

Joy xoxoxoxo

:princess: :bravo:

Sue C

Active Member
Melissa -- So happy for the good news of your appointment being moved up. I'm praying for you.



Active Member
Well I am in my hotel and my MRI is done. I still require a MRI of my spine with and without contrast, but my family doctor could not order it, requires specialist. So that will have to wait for after the neuro appointment. I had been frustrated beyond belief at that, but feel so much better know that 2 weeks away I will have (hopefully) some answers, and it won't be a long wait after for the other MRI. Also, I will be able with a neuro referal to have the other one done in the town where neuro is, which is 1 1/2 hours from home, rather than 5+ hours away, which is where I am now.
I came back to hotel this a.m. and put my cozy pj's back on, asked housekeeping for extra blankets and am curled up alternatly napping, computing and reading a good novel.
Few people have my cell number, so no ringing telephone. No cartoons blaring from t.v. No neighbourhood kids. No company dropping by. No dog whining in kennel or crying to go outside or attacking the cats. No housework. No laundry. No cooking. I am not even going out to eat dinner. I had a coffee for breakfast after my MRI. Brought back a banana and yogurt from hospital cafeteria for lunch and I will have a taco salad sent from a nearby restaurant to my room for dinner. I am nearly 6 hours from home and I LOVE IT!!! I wish this wasn't already a 2 night hotel cost, meals, bus trip, taxi's etc because I would pay to stay over another night just to sleep and rest!
I don't need tropical vacations, 6 hours further into the boonie's than I already live is perfect for me!

Thank you all, keep those beads rattling if you can! My family doctor will have a report by next Wed. I am told, meaning I will be getting my own copy that day in advance of my neuro appointment the following week. I am no doctor so won't drive myself crazy trying to decipher results, but will be nice to have a bit of a heads up before my appointment.
