Good thoughts please


Well-Known Member
difficult child had his second interview for a job yesterday. Because of his felony conviction, the general manager has to get him approved through the main office---he really needs this job. Rattle beads, pray, that something comes through for him.


No real answers to life..
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'>Keeping good thoughts for your difficult child and the job....</span>



Former desparate mom
I know the feeling of anxiety I have when difficult child is interviewing for a job. You hope it gives them the motivation to straighten their lives. You hope it gives them some direction and/or structure. You hope it gives them some money maybe a mentor and self respect. You hope and you hope like your life is on the line with his job.
I always have so much hope that I am as devastated as difficult child is when it falls through.
My fingers are crossed for your son. Sending good wishes for him and you.