Good Tuesday Morning


Well-Known Member
:coffee: Good Tuesday Morning :coffee:

I've had my orange juice and vitamin, I'm just waiting for the perculator to finish percing!

The weather is definately spring-like here in central virginia. The nights are cool and the days are getting warmer. It's going to be freakishly warm today - 85.

All is well in the dudes house....wishing you a stress-free Tuesday :smile:



New Member

Sharon- i'll take mine with cream and sugar, enjoy your warm weather, and have a great day!

Hi to all who ocme in later!!

Well difficult child went to his appointment. yesterday, his dr. i really dislike this guy, he gets mad because i can not take time off work to go, that is why my mom takes him, i try to explain single mother whohas to work, but ugh he just doesn't get it. Anyway he called me at work demanded i be at the next appointment. which is in may and at night, i told him that's right when difficult children medications where off, and he goes that's fine. So difficult child has been put up to 108 mg. of concerta he will start soon, it just depends if the pharmacy, and insurance will fill it. Have a great day everyone!

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning all,

Sharon, we had that same freakish warmth yesterday - 81 degrees in March - in MN. A nice weather break. Enjoy your day.

Jen, seems to be a pretty high dose of concerta....I hope the pharmacy fills it for you.

Like Sharon, I'm waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. This morning I have a doctor's appointment & blood work to see if the B12 shots are working. This afternoon 5 SWs are showing up at my door to update kt's case management/safety plan. It's a yearly thing - old home week. LOL

Enjoy your day all - keep it calm. Find some quiet for yourselves today. :bath:


New Member
Good Morning-

Sharon- today in NC it will be in the 80's as well and into the rest of the week. Have a nice sunny day!

Jen- The Concerta dose seems very high to me as well! I hope that everything goes OK with that, and also the appointments.

Linda- Good luck with the Dr and SW's today!

I joined the gym again to get difficult child exercising, and we went last night. We are going to try to get there 3x each week if we can. We have a therapist appnt. after work It will be the first one since the psychiatric hospital. He will be surprised to see how well difficult child is doing right now.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning,

Sharon-Sounds more summerlike than spring! We were warm too-even broke a record. Enjoy your hmj and your day! :flower:

Razzle- Sorry the doctor isn't more understanding. :rolleyes:Hopefully he'll get a clue and start offering more convenient hours.

Linda-I hope all goes well at the doctor's-be sure to follow his orders. :doctor:Five sws-should be a busy day. I hope it's a good one. :kisses:

I wish our warm weather would last. It's 57 right now but supposed to start dropping throughout the day. It would have been great to have this weather next week during spring break.

Work and hopefully a workout for me today. Not much else which is a good thing!

Enjoy your day-hope it's a peaceful one. Hi to anyone who snuck in. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Good morning.
I have a bit of a Benadryl hangover this morning so please excuse me for not responding to everyone individually. I really can't think straight. I have some housework & volunteering later at the school. Then Duckie finally starts piano after school.
Have a great day! :smile:
Good Morning :coffee:,

Sharon, I'm glad to hear things are going well. Enjoy the beautiful weather :flower:!!!

Jen, It definitely is more difficult when you don't like difficult child's doctor. Is there any way your insurance will pay if you find another one? I HATE insurance companies :grrr:!!! I hope your day goes well.


I hope the B12 shots are working!!! I hope this afternoon's meeting goes well!!! I hope you get a chance for some "ME" time too!!!

Oceans, It's nice that you and difficult child can go to the gym togeher. I'm glad difficult child is doing well!!!

Sharon, I haven't been around much lately. I'm sure you've probably already posted about the wedding. I hope you had a good time and difficult child was well behaved!!! I hope you get to the gym :smile:!!! Hope things stay calm and uneventful.

It is supposed to be a nice day here :flower:. I'm hoping I'll have time to take my favorite sanity saver for a long walk... :flower:

I have to get motivated to finish cleaning the closets I started so long ago. I WILL NOT buy anything until I'm done in my closet!!!

I'm going to force myself to try on my swimsuit. I've been doing pretty well and have taken off most of the weight I had put on. Trying on my swimsuit will definitely give me the needed incentive to make sure I'm ready for the summer :smile:...

Anyway, one more cup of :coffee: and I'm ready to begin the day... Hi to anyone who snuck in... WFEN


Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>Good Morning my friends. I am up and moving. difficult child has an appointment on the other side of town at 9. Rush hour traffic isn't my favorite. We are going to try the government agencies again and see if we find one local employee that can see farther than the fear that someone is ripping them off. I don't stay but just want to help difficult child get the ball rolling.
I'll need a lot more coffee and need to get going.
easy child got accepted to another college.Yay. He has some hard choices.
I hope you have a great day. Enjoy the springlike weather. </span>


Well-Known Member
Sharon, you're pretty close to me... I'm east of you. I've got the window open, and put some cherry blossoms in a vase. Sigh.

RazzleJen, good luck with-the cranky doctor (grr) and the upped dose of Concerta. I don't know anything about that medication, but of course, you will keep an eye on it... we're all jittery from that very public lithium dose we were all talking about! I can't imagine how you work full time and handle all that you do.

EmptyNest, too funny about not buying anything until the closets are clean. Do you know how many times I've promised myself that? I can manage to do it in the kitchen, with-the cupboards and freezer, though, because you have to eat...

Today is MUCH better than yesterday. difficult child got a decent night's sleep (although he came and got me at 10:15 because there was a very loud owl outside his window, and I appreciated the fact that he actually wanted to share something with-me and act like I was his mom instead of Attila the Hun). husband stayed home until 7:30 a.m. and made sure difficult child was up, dressed, and had taken his pill.
Gee, what a diff that makes!!!! Wish husband would stay home every a.m. and do that! He likes to leave b4 6 a.m. and go to the gym or mtngs. b4 work. Sigh.

Hi everyone... get those Mr. Coffees going!


New Member
Good morning everyone!
LDM, yes, it is very unseasonably warm here, too, yesterday and the day before we broke records for the very warm weather for these dates, it was 80 both days. TWC predicts rain now for us and dropped temps for the rest of the week along with T-storms. Yesterday easy child and I spent the day wandering the beach in lake geneva. It was beautiful.

Razz-it does indeed make it hard when you are trying to make doctor appts in between working, that used to be a problem, here, too.I hope you can work it out.
Timerlady, hope the shots are helping, how do you FEEL since starting them? Reviewing the plan is always a good idea especially after there have been changes. Hope it goes well.

Oceans you guys sound ambitious. We have started out with walking.....I guess we had to start somewhere, but when we go to the eye doctor and shriners, we do then have access to pools and weight rooms. Good luck!

Wiped out, yes our temp is supposed to steadily drop, too. ANd I agree, I wish it could have stayed nice thruout spring break for my easy child.

TM, my sympathies, I hate medication hangovers. Hope your day goes well!

WFEN, have fun with the closets, keep the end goal in mind, it feels good when they are done and so nice. :)

Fran, yes, I have to be to court by 9, for the case against the jerk for my easy child....and my difficult child is starting a babysitting job today, 2 hours a day 3 times a week. Silly kid, the lady asked how much my difficult child wanted and my difficult child said she would do it for free........go figure? (tyhe lady said well, no she IS going to pay my dtr, LOL) We are not yet applying to the colleges for easy child but we are checking some out, yesterday easy child said mom, there are SO many to choose from.

Terry, hope it has a nice result, with the day starting out better.

So, it is actually TOO warm here for me and my kids, we are all way too warm already. BUT t-storms predicted for the rest of the week....
court as soon as I log off here....difficult child starting a babysitting job, spring break continues, and the coffe, courtesy this morning of my difficult child and my Bunn sure tastes yummy. If it is not raining after court, I hope to get out to do something with the winter ravaged yard.

Great day to everyone, and hi to those coming behind me.


Active Member
G'day everyone, it's late here and I've got to toddle off to bed if I'm to get sleep before midnight. I'd love to greet each one of you but that would put me past my midnight deadline.

Had a mildly productive day - difficult child 3 finished his geography assignment (apart from drawing lines on a map, because we couldn't get our printer to work -resourceful difficult child 3 emailed the file to his dad and let him know, via email, of the exact problem by including a screen dump of the error message; cluey kid. easy child 2/difficult child 2 tried to get to college but realised fairly quickly that she's still not ready for classes. She's supposed to be working on Thursday, including driving the car.
difficult child 1 slept in this morning after being up all night with a friend's older two kids while she and her husband took the baby to hospital after a fall. Their house is perched on a cliff, so falls are a hazard. Baby's OK though, difficult child 1 reported. He got in at 4 am after sitting up with two worried boys all night, called in at zero notice. It's good to know that someone other than us values our young man and considers him responsible enough to do such an important job; I know how much this mother values her kids, she won't use just any babysitter, and her boys idolise difficult child 1 and even want to copy how he dresses! I'm not sure the village could cope with difficult child 1 having two Mini-Mes!

Have a good Tuesday, everyone. I'm off to bed, wishing you all good enjoyment of the prospective spring day and your morning coffee. Enjoy the jars of blossom and the sunshine! I'm getting my morning coffee in seven hours' time.
