He didn't go

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Passive/Aggressive behavior wins out again. H didn't make it to the therapist appointment with me. I waited and waited, finally called him again and he was still on the job, no intention of rushing home.

I'm feeling a bit disheartened and disappointed. Thanks for all the positive thoughts and juju-it's helping me to keep the faith that all will work out in the end, whatever that may mean.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. Don't rush to any decisions tonight or tomorrow... take time to figure out what is best for you to do, {{{Hugs}}}


Well-Known Member
Sending you my most caring and supportive hugs. I'm sorry. Hope your therapist was able to help you tonight. DDD


I'm sorry hon. By this point my gut reaction would be to tell him that if he doesn't tell her, I will - and with no uncertain terms or sugar coating and that if left to me to break the news he best not complain about how it happens or when.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Thanks all. We did talk again after I got home. Again, I told him he needed to speak with his mom, he agreed. I offered to help him create a sort of script to help him stick to the key points and stay on task. Sadly, he looked ready to cry. Despite my fury inside, I felt sorry for him. Ultimately, he is the one who needs to adress this. I WILL do it if he cannot but I'm really trying to get him to put on his big boy pants and do it himself.

Our therapist was disappointed he didn't show but not entirely surprised. At the end of the hour she said she kept hoping for a knock on the door and that it would be H. She's a dear. She suggested a script and I think someone here did also- great idea. We shall see. Thanks again.


Hmmm... does your psychiatrist do home appts? Like say... when he's not expecting visitors and can't escape?