If you put a signature at the bottom of your post, it would make it much easier for us to try to help you. How old is your son? Is he on medication, etc...?
I have a son in high school who tries my patience on a daily basis. I've found that a list of written rules as to what is expected of him helps quite a bit. He "earns" rewards for good behavior. He looses rewards for bad behavior.
We don't discipline him for poor behavior in school. We let the school handle school matters. Otherwise, he would NEVER have any rewards at all!!!
Also, consistency is extremely important. This is really hard, but, no matter what he does, I've found that I have to remain calm at all times. Raising my voice or showing any emotion at all, only makes the situation worse.
Are you a single parent or do you live with husband or SO??? Do you live with difficult child's father??? If you share parenting responsibilities with someone else, it is extremely important that both of you agree on all issues in front of difficult child. You have to present a united front. Otherwise problems will get worse!!!
These are just a few things that I've found helped my situation. I'm sure others will be along shortly with more suggestions..
I'm glad you found us!!! WFEN