I don't really like the title of this Article...


Well-Known Member
I dont see a thing wrong in this article.

This woman is accepting responsibility for her actions, making restitution for her damages and is in treatment. Her medications reacted badly. Some medications can do that.

I have been put on medications that caused rage attacks in me before. Bipolar isnt a nice illness. It isnt easy to treat and the medications are all trial and error.


New Member
I agree with Janet, in my experiances I have both had and seen some horrible reactions to medications. My daughters "homicidle tendencys" were actually caused by an mix of the medications, and being overmedicated(for behavior problems) and undermedicated(for adhd). They once put me on a medication that caused me to threaten people(One guy I threated to beat to death with a ball bat) just cause I didn't like what they where saying or because they looked at me the wrong way. That's not me, I was raised to believe that fighting and hitting never solved anything. I had never threatened anyone before that, and only once since(someone had physically abused my oldest difficult child)


New Member
No, that's not what I meant. Maybe I'm taking the title wrong, but it just seems to make the illness (more) evil. I wasn't saying she isn't accepting responsiblity, but the title just seems wrong. We all know here that our difficult child's can have terrible reactions to the medications, and she's bringing that to light. I just thought the title was negative, like they're saying she using it as a cop-out. Something like that. That's all.


Well-Known Member
Well I didnt take the title that way but maybe it should have read Weilands Wife Blames Rage on Medications for Bipolar Disorder.


Well-Known Member
I don't really take it the way you are looking at it either. I think it's a positive thing when people bring their disorders to the forefront like this, because it makes the disorder more humanizing, rather than evil. The more stars and famous people come out in the open with their disorders, insteading of hiding it, the less scrutinization regarding the disorder will result.


Active Member
I think you're right, Janet. The article itself makes it clear that it was due to an imbalance of medications for her bipolar, not the bipolar itself.

I do agree, though, that it is important to be careful to not vilify illness. I don't see that happening here, although the line is very close. Newspaper articles are often going to cross that line, unfortunately, in their search for sensation-mongering to boost readership. Research articles, on the other hand, should always be written with much more care.

Frankly, for a newspaper article, this was remarkably supportive while still giving full information on the incidents.

There is nothing wrong with using the word "blame" in this context, because there really wasn't an alternative way to express it (other than Janet's suggestion). "Blame" is still needed because that connotation can't be avoided.



Well-Known Member
Titles are always going to be short and catchy. Its simply fact. They dont have the word space to make them long and more fitting. They have to fit into a very small and eye capturing format. It has to be something that is going to snag a reader.