That took courage, MWM.
Good for you!
If your family of origin is anything like mine, you have been chosen against a million times, betrayed a million times, ridiculed or shortchanged in some way a million times. That is why it is important that you revalue yourself, now. It is going to feel strange, at first, to cherish and care for and respect and believe in yourself.
But the person you are MWM, all those times you picked the "right" thing? All those times you felt good because you worked hard and things looked and felt "normal"? That will never be wasted on those who take your openness for vulnerability and strike to the heart, again.
Our families are not normal, MWM. There is something the matter, in the heart of them.
I'm so sorry.
It's like we are resetting our internal compasses to true North, MWM. And in this new direction we are taking? They are being left behind.
That's all this is.
No more believing
their picture of who
we are.
In a way, it's as simple as that.
We do matter, MWM. So do our families of origin, of course. But when someone is sick or twisted in some way
and we can finally see what it's doing to us, then we have to put those old belief systems about how life works away.
when she was not scapegoating me we often had an understanding that only one who grows up in a loonybin can share.
I am not sure how to interact with people who I trust to love and want the best for me, but who seem really to hate me instead either, MWM.
The difference is that
I now understand they know better than to do what they're doing.
And that they may have known better, all along.
That is such a surprise to me, MWM!
All this time, I had thought we were all trying to do the same thing: heal ourselves and one another, learn to cherish everything about our families, and change all that for the generation coming along.
What a shocking surprise to get it that these things were never true for them. (It isn't so surprising in a way. I had to struggle to see that there was another way to think about myself, my family, purpose in the world ~ all that stuff. They didn't really do anything wrong. They are only following what feels natural and right to them. I am the one who has changed. At the time I learned to set some boundaries around what I allowed with my children, or with husband...those boundaries against what I had allowed in my interactions with my family of origin changed, too.
I think that is what you are going through now, MWM.
I was so angry too, when I realized just what kind of toxicity I had allowed in the name of relationship. I didn't know any better then, MWM.
Now I do.
And so do you.
The more I look? The more bad things I see.
And I am so surprised.
But as time passed MWM, and I gave myself time and honor enough to keep at it...I began to feel differently. I began to feel so deeply fortunate that I did not get stuck, there in that sick, hate filled mindset.
I did not get stuck there MWM...and neither did you.
And as I've already done everything I knew to change what went on in my family of origin ~ and it didn't work, I don't have to do that anymore or ever again.
It's pretty freeing.
I am telling the truth to them now.
And they don't much care for it.
That is what you've done too, MWM. You've started telling the truth.
And your sister doesn't much care for it. She would like to stay sick. She would like to play "Let's make Pam look really bad."
It's very cruel, what our families do and how they justify it.
It is what it is Pam, and it's important to know how the hatred has hurt you, where it has changed you, how you can heal from it ~ but none of this is your fault. It isn't their fault, either. Dysfunctional relationships hurt.
We aren't here to judge our people, only to heal ourselves.
This has nothing to do with them.
You are doing really great, MWM.
It's hard, I know.