<span style='font-family: Century Gothic'> ant had been so good for about a week. then last night at midnight he called and said he was going to kill himself. he was drunk. he told me he was an hour away down by a river. he said "cant you hear the water?" I did. he said he was all alone and had been left there.
I talked with him but he said he is tired of living and will be an alcoholic all his life so he might as well end it now. I had my other son call and talk to him. I told him I could not come and goodbye.
meanwhile I did call boyfriend as he was the last one with him. I did not want to call him but he employs ant and I wondered if he had been fired. I found that ant had told boyfriend that he needed 200.00 for past due fines (a lie) and boyfriend had given it to him at the end of their workday. apparently ant spent most of it at the mall on clothes for himself, eating out and beer. boyfriend asked me if I am going to live like this for the rest of my life. He did pray for ant and offered to come over but I said no.
I laid in bed thinking I cannot do this anymore when the doorbell rang. It was ant. he had lied and was only over at the lake three miles from here. he hadnt been alone because some girl walked in with him. he could barely stand and she had dragged him in. he went back and laid on his bed. I asked her who she was. she said she had met him on Myspace a few dys ago. I told her he was an alcoholic and she should not hang out with him.
she left. I walked back to his room and he was on the phone. he then walked out the front door and got into her car. they left for the night.
today he went to work for boyfriend again. some diff girl brought him home ( a 17 yr old he has been seeing off and on for a few months and her mom knows he is 23 and an ex con)
she and he went back to his room like nothing was wrong and he had a stupid smile on his face. I told him I am done with late night calls, and he had lied to me and boyfriend. As I was speaking he slammed his bedroom door in my face/she was sitting on his bed.
I told him thru the door to gather his stuff and be out by a half hour. I told him to leave the house key and find a place to live. he left with the clothes on his back for the thousandth time. he said "dont write me when I am in jail".
she and he drove off. he called a half hour later. I have caller ID and told him this was his one call. he said "where am I going to go?" I said I didnt know and hung up. he has tried calling twice since but I am not answering.
I hate this and will not go back to late night drama. I cannot believe how good he was for a very short time. I cannot help but think how people will think I am so mean to do this again, but I have had it. with the recent breakup with boyfriend, I am fed up anyway. if you all are as sick of my life lately as I am I understand.
I talked with him but he said he is tired of living and will be an alcoholic all his life so he might as well end it now. I had my other son call and talk to him. I told him I could not come and goodbye.
meanwhile I did call boyfriend as he was the last one with him. I did not want to call him but he employs ant and I wondered if he had been fired. I found that ant had told boyfriend that he needed 200.00 for past due fines (a lie) and boyfriend had given it to him at the end of their workday. apparently ant spent most of it at the mall on clothes for himself, eating out and beer. boyfriend asked me if I am going to live like this for the rest of my life. He did pray for ant and offered to come over but I said no.
I laid in bed thinking I cannot do this anymore when the doorbell rang. It was ant. he had lied and was only over at the lake three miles from here. he hadnt been alone because some girl walked in with him. he could barely stand and she had dragged him in. he went back and laid on his bed. I asked her who she was. she said she had met him on Myspace a few dys ago. I told her he was an alcoholic and she should not hang out with him.
she left. I walked back to his room and he was on the phone. he then walked out the front door and got into her car. they left for the night.
today he went to work for boyfriend again. some diff girl brought him home ( a 17 yr old he has been seeing off and on for a few months and her mom knows he is 23 and an ex con)
she and he went back to his room like nothing was wrong and he had a stupid smile on his face. I told him I am done with late night calls, and he had lied to me and boyfriend. As I was speaking he slammed his bedroom door in my face/she was sitting on his bed.
I told him thru the door to gather his stuff and be out by a half hour. I told him to leave the house key and find a place to live. he left with the clothes on his back for the thousandth time. he said "dont write me when I am in jail".
she and he drove off. he called a half hour later. I have caller ID and told him this was his one call. he said "where am I going to go?" I said I didnt know and hung up. he has tried calling twice since but I am not answering.
I hate this and will not go back to late night drama. I cannot believe how good he was for a very short time. I cannot help but think how people will think I am so mean to do this again, but I have had it. with the recent breakup with boyfriend, I am fed up anyway. if you all are as sick of my life lately as I am I understand.