Too funny, just 2 hours ago, PCs boyfriend came and said they just got a hot tub. He had been pretty angry at his dad becuz his dad and mom recently split and ever since both his parents have been pretty tight with money.and harping at him about "budgets" etc so he sure was confused today to be getting a hot tub. Turns out his dad got it on some thing online.......ROLF, and he paid nothing for it at all?
Partly I know NOTHING about computers AT I am a little intimidated........and partly I have no idea where to put one in our house, our house is VERY tiny.I mean REALLY tiny and well, truth is we are kinda packrats (altho since our house is way less than 1,000 sq feet and there ARE 5 of us and we are not small people, it IS small, LOL, and it can give the impression of us being packrats even if we weren't)
I have absolutely no idea WHERE to put a computer or what all we need or how to hook it up etc.
I sure will miss my poor ole faithful web tv.......I paid $39 for it 12 years ago, back then it worked GREAT on every internet site. Emailed, chatted, etc.I at one time had an awesome website.......back then I also could use a regular camcorder and send voice and video and pics thru email or "scan" things online.....NO viruses, NO upgrades, no hardware or software, no other expenses aside from monthly access fee.
Hooked it up to the TV in my living room, and it was never a problem with the kids doing things they maybe shouldn't, becuz they were right there smack dab big as life in living room. When I got sick, we moved it to my bedroom TV, nice becuz the keyboard has always been wireless remote.......
It does not have a mouse, LOL....I have "scroll" keys and arrow buttons.
I guess I way way more than got my moneys worth out of the poor old thing. LOL. Gosh I sure do love it by now. We have such a history, LOL.