Manster Busted



I couldn't understand why he kept gaining weight! I was working with him, long walks, bike rides, swimming and watching his food intake.

Guess what I found when I cleaned his room, specifically under his bed? Candy wrappers, ice cream wrappers, chip crumbs etc. I'm sick to my stomach. I have to really be on guard. I already hide some of these foods but he's found the hiding places. I guess husband will have to put his stuff in the trunk of his car. The ice cream was WW but when you eat like that it sort of defeats the purpose. I feel so deflated.

Well at least I know now it isn't a slow metabolism lol (trying to stay light here). I'll just have to be better at policing the food.

Feeling Down. I have tons more to clean... later, ML


Active Member
Sheewww- you really scared me with that one. I thought you meant busted by the police for something illegal. Ok, so compared to that, I had to chuckle a little.

Shame on him!! At least you have some answers now! I think most boys that age start eating us out of house and home. Has he started with major growth spurts yet? I wish I had good advice on what to do about it. My difficult child started it about that age and I still don't have a good way to deal with it. I guess I moved it to a different basket. I do try to tell him to only eat certain snacks after 8:00pm, but he still sneaks on that sometimes.


Going Green
We've had to literally lock "junk" food up almost since the day we got difficult child. It wasn't because of a weight issue....he would just gorge himself on anything he could get his hands on. We had a box of wrapped assorted chocolates in the fridge the first Christmas we had him. He got out of bed one night while husband and I were still up to "get a drink". Within 2 minutes of him going back to bed, I heard the rustling of foil wrappers. He had grabbed a handful and was eating them one right after another. Apparently this has ALWAYS been an issue with him and still is to this day. So we keep candy, pop tarts, cereal, snack cakes....anything like that, locked in our room. Anything refrigerated either has to be used almost immediately, we take our chances with it or I just don't buy it. He's been known to eat cookie dough if I don't bake it immediately. (And will only eat his fill, toss the rest and then give me a line about how the dog opened the frig, got it out and knawed on it. Yes, he actually told me this AND had actually let the dog chew on it for a bit to put the correct teeth marks on it before throwing it in the trash. It's a wonder he didn't kill the dog with all the chocolate)

I would just make sure that there either isn't anything in the house period or keep it locked up and not just hid. It's not like our kids are going to starve. If they want a snack....apples, oranges, bananas, etc. are great. For the occasional sweet snack...keep it out of the house or just get something that will only last that one day. (small container of ice cream, pie depending on the number of people in the house...stuff like that)

I hate that I have to keep things locked up in my own house, especially food but at times, it's needed. And for's not like I lock up ALL the food, just the stuff he seems to think will disappear and he MUST have it NOW.


New Member
ML hi, yes me too i saw thread title and said uh oh!!

difficult child does the same thing, I found a bag of sour patches in her barbie box under bed, food in her drawer and bread under her pillow!!! it's the medication! ugh.

Locks, locks, locks. it's crazy but i'm beginning to think it's the only way to survive. sorry your cleaning so much

I have not locked food up (I lock all keys/purse/credit cards etc.). The Red Bull a, candy, junk food is a lot and I donot buy any of it. difficult child rants how she does nto want to take her medications becasue they make her fat. Actually, Abilify and Lactimal do this less than many . The key is if she stopped doding do much sugar, hundrends of caloreis a day would disapeer but like I said I choose my battles. I enlist her suggestins with meals: today I got her deli chicken breast, the typw odf cheese she likes, etc.
Plus she get sinto places where she refuses to eat it is a power and control and maybe somewhat of a typical teen obesesion with weight and being attractive to boys but in true difficult child fashion takes 600 times farther than most tts.
I do encourage her to eat other stuff other than icecream and candy and soft drinks.


I don't know how you guys do it. difficult child is chunky also, but this is the food I eat.
I don't know what I would eat if I didn't buy it.

You guys are really good.

Has he grown yet? I use to notice difficult child gain weight, then sprout up.


Roll With It
Where is Manster getting all the junk food? I found that Wiz would bring it home in his lunch - anything he could trade for at school, esp stuff I refused to buy like fruit rollups (too much food color and preservatives - he goes into a migraine if he eats even half of one). We also found TONS of wrappers, etc... in his room. It drove me nuts. Even to the point that for a long time I didn't buy snacks at all. I also still keep snacks and things hidden in my room because the kids will eat them all in a day. Jessie eats saltines by the box. Literally will eat a box a day if not supervised.

Not sure how much is just kids and how much is the medications. Have you had Manster's thyroid checked? I went for YEARS trying to lose weight and totally unable to. Then they put me on thyroid medications and BOOM the weight just melted away!


Active Member
Well at least I know now it isn't a slow metabolism lol (trying to stay light here)
NO, it's not a slow metabolism, it's fast footwork and light fingers.

Seriously - boys especially, as they approach and then hit puberty, become garbage disposals. They can get very jekyll & Hyde when it comes to behaviour, when they get hungry. My friend's son would get quite aggressive quite suddenly, when he got "the munchies". He would be almost in tears with fatigue & hunger, extremely rude (born of desperation) and once he'd eaten he would mellow out and relax. My friend learned to keep the fridge stocked with moderately healthy foods able to be grabbed and eaten.

I found things simmilarwith difficult child 1 (to a lesser extent) but easy child was my biggest problem when it came to junk food. We avoided having junk in the house but she would spend every cent of pocket money, as well as barter, trade or worse, to get whatever she could. She'd come home from school (which for us included a long wait at the wharf for the school ferry) and would use that time to load up on rubbish, then not be hungry for GOOD food when she got home. She'd have no room for roast chicken, because she had filled up on hot chips with gravy. She has always had a tendency to be pudgy but now is very much overweight (would qualify as obese, unfortunately).

The other kids - skinny. easy child has claimed it's because they're on stims and she isn't, but I don't think so because I was a skinny kid and husband was only slightly chubby when he lived at home because his mother would really push food into her kids; when he left home, he went to what he considered his correct size and shape (appropriately lean).

So, several things -

1) Do your utmost to limit access to the "bad" food. If that means everyone in the family has to be on a diet, then so be it. I firmly believe everyone should learn to eat healthily and wisely, from a very early age. There were times when husband & I would allow certian treat foods, but only so long as the privilege wasn't abused by kids sneaking these rationed foods and ruining it for everyone. Parents have to abide by the same restrictions - I've always been very annoyed with parents who have one rule for their kids and another for themselves. An example - a parent who insists that a luxury food such as smoked salmon, bought for a special festival (such as Christmas) may only be rationed out for the children a slice at a time as part of a salad with a meal, but who then sits down to a plate of smoked salmon "leftovers" because of course, as a parent, they already know how to have self-discipline! (I've seen it, I didn't believe it nor did I appreciate it).
We would sometimes yield to kids wanting certain foods for their school lunches (in Australia, very few schools provide lunch for the kids, you have to send your kid to school with a lunchbox). I might buy something but I would know how many were in a packet and how long it SHOULD last. If it ran out sooner, I would not buy replacements until it should have run out. However, if it repeatedly ran out early, I would quickly stop getting it at all.
The reasoning - why buy special foods, as a family treat, if only one person is getting to enjoy them? Why spend money on something that is basically getting wasted? (or should I say, "waisted"?)

2) Stock up on "unlimited" foods, ones which he can indulge in to satisfy hunger. Cooked protein is ideal, if you're watching his weight. But be careful about being too fussy about a kid's weight, especially a boy - they sometimes seem to have puppy fat but at puberty it rapidly can transform into muscle. Males, especially young ones, have an amazingly high daily caroie expenditure, they never fully appreciate the weight loss struggle of an older woman because for them, it is rarely an issue. (my neurologist has now stopped telling me how easily he can lose weight - and therefore I should find it similarly easy - since I quoted some of Australia's best diet sources at him, which explain WHY women can't lose weight so easily as men). So stock up on cooked sausages, cooked chicken, boiled eggs. When I roast achicken, I always roast a large one (or roast a second one) so we have cold cooked chicken. It can be eaten cold or it can be reheated in the microwave. Or it can be made into a fabulous sandwich (spread wholegrain bread with mayonnaise, add some warm cooked chicken and some lettuce, and enjoy!). A warm chicken sandwich can really satisfy a teen boy's hunger cravings and give him the nutrition he needs.

3) Substitute calories and carbs with flavour. Switch carbs to wholegrain, limit concentrated high-fat carbs entirely. Use more herbs and other natural flavours in your food. For example cut back on butter but replace with mayonnaise, or pesto sauce, or low-fat cream cheese. Again, do this for the whole family. If you have underweight family members, they need not suffer - again, modify their diet only a little to make sure they get good quality calories and not empty calories.

4) Locking away forbidden food can help to a certain extent (although putting ice cream in the car boot will only work in a US winter! In an Aussie summer, we can't buy ice cream at the supermarket because in the half hour it takes to get home, it becomes a puddle). However, if food is locked away it takes on "forbidden fruit" allure as well as a certain sense of inappropriate value (valuables such as gold and silver get put under lock and key). It again can come back to "not playing fair" and having different rules for the adults, simply because it's the adults who have the power (my smoked salmon example). Discipline under those circumstances loses the sense of honesty and fair play that you need for a good lesson, and instead becomes one of following rules because you have to, not because you see the need and sense in it. If you only follow rules while you have to, you will break those rules as soon as opportunity allows - nothing is learned. Example - a sign that says, "Keep off the grass in bare feet" at a park where the lawn is beautifully manicured, lush and green. The day that sign goes missing is the day you want to rip off your shoes and run barefoot through the park to enjoy the velvety green softness.
So longer-term - it's best to have NO locks, except the front door. Inside your home is inside the food safe, where all food is permitted as long as it's put on the shopping list when used up. The locks should only be used, when needed short-term, to keep food safe which is intended for the next FAMILY meal. For example, if there is a portion of cooked chicken meat which I intend to use to make a chicken risotto for dinner tonight - if I suspected my child didn't have enough self-control, I would hide the food needed for dinner.

5) If you can, bring dinner time forward. Alternatively, if you know you have a really hungry kid on your hands, prepare that child's dinner the day before if necessary, and leave it in the fridge. A kid who gets hoome from school and rummages in the fridge to fill up on carrot sticks, chicken legs and lettuce is a kid who mightn't eat all the beef casserole you cook for dinner, but does it matter? And if the child wants some beef casserole as well - let him. If he fills up on savoury food, he will eat less ice cream and jelly. He's probably burning it all up anyway.
I often find difficult child 3 rummaging in the freezer for bread (which he will eat dry and frozen, often taking the last of it and denying all knowledge). He usually does this in late afternoon or early evening when he would happily eat dinner, if it was ready.

6) Now to deal with the underlying cause of the problem - WHY? I really wish I'd dragged easy child to counselling, but she was VERY resistant. I didn't push the issue because I didn't want an anorexic. With hindsight, I think it would have been preferable. Bad as anorexia is, as life-threatening as it is, obesity is also really bad for your kids too. There were so many underlying reasons for easy child to be over-eating, but attempts at getting counselling for her had been a disaster. With hindsight, I should have gone private and insisted that she cooperate. But as the old folk song says, if wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets in the sea...

I recently was given a possible cause where easy child is concerned, a purely physical cause. Before she was born, I had to be hospitalised because in the last couple of months of pregnancy, I began to lose weight. ONly apound or two, but the doctor did blood tests which showed the placenta was failing, it was dying. In hospital I had blood tests done every two days to monitor the placenta function. An ultrsound showed I had a tiny baby who had no fat layer, she would be hard-pressed to survive. I had to stay in bed, lying on my side, and rest. The doctor hoped that with this and time, the baby wuld begin to get some meat on her bones. But after a few weeks it became clear that we had run out of options. The day came when we were told she would be better out than in, the placenta was almost done. So she was induced, three weeks early. She was tiny but had gained a little weight. She was about 5 pounds the day we left the hospital a week later.
By six weeks old she had doubled her birth weight.
I've since been told by a doctor whose son is at difficult child 3's drama class, that her daughter similarly suffered from placental insufficiency, and also has always had a weight problem. And yes, there is a link - in the same way that starvation diets can slow your metabolism and backfire on you to make you gain weight afterwards, a baby who has been prenatally starved (as easy child was) is much more likely to have long-term weight problems. Since finding this out I have been urging easy child to get a referral to see an endocrinologist and/or gastroenterologist, to see what can be done to help her; however, she is currently in wedding planning mode and can't be deflected from this. I really worry about her and about BF1, they both are obese and although at times have made an effort to lose weight, for various reasons have not been able to maintain this. They both need more professional help with this, which I feel for both of them should include counselling to deal with the underlying psychological issues I know they both have (for different reasons). Maybe for them both, now is not a good time - but when is it?

All I can say is, easy child's obsession with food is one I have occasionally seen mirrored in other kids, and I just so long to tell those mothers to do something; but I know that it won't help for me to speak up. A child who is so obsessed with food that she MUST make sure she has at least one of every kind of biscuit or snack there is available, is a kid who isn't so much caught up with food, as she is with acquisition. She is scared of missing out on something, of being left behind or neglected. There is a deep hole in her heart that she is trying to fill with food, and of course because the hole wasn't made for food, the food can never fill it.

Sometimes the answers can seem so simple, but it can take a lot of effort to find out WHAT a child really is hungry for, WHY they're doing this and HOW to help them. It's not always so easy.

Good luck with this one. But just as you are asking a great deal of discipline from your child, so you must first begin with not only yourself, but your whole family.

One last thing - I grew up as a kid with multiple allergies plus failure to thrive. My parents fairly quickly identified cows' milk as my problem, and went out and bought goats. The entire family of ten were switched onto a diet of goats' milk, fresh eggs and home-grown vegetables. It meant really hard work for everybody, all for this last-born runt (as my sister used to call me). We ALL went on the same health kick. By the time I tasted cows' milk I was about ten years old and found it really objectionable. But the lesson it all taught me - despite being the youngest of an over-large family born to a much older mother, I was worth so much, that my entire family had to shift their lifestyles to help me. I was worth it to them to do this.

A lesson from my childhood I leave with you - teach your children to grow their own food. even if all you do is sit an onion top in water and snip the green shoots to put on your salad, you are teaching your children a wonderful lesson. But if you can have the opportunity to grow food (either on your own property, or in an allotment or cooperative) then you are giving your children mental and physical exercise as well as teaching them about where food comes from. They already know where it goes!



Thanks everyone!

Marg, thank you for the suggestions. I agree with everything you said.

We've done pretty good at "healthifying" the house with a few exceptions. Suzie gave me a great idea to use applesauce and cinnamon to make ice pops. The weight watchers ones were too expensive anyway. I need to work on having more available acceptable snacks. I also visited the sparks people snack site, it's awesome.

Also, I didn't gain enough weight when I was pregnant, was on bedrest 2 months AND he came 3 weeks early and double his weight within a few months just like your easy child. Interesting. AND, it's possible cows milk is a problem as he also has allergies. Past efforts to move over to rice and or soy milk haven't worked but I think it's time to become a stronger enforcer in this area.

For a long time I resisted being the food police because I was afraid of creating an eating disorder but have recently come to the same conclusion. The overweight issue is just as bad.

I'm confident I can do some things better here.

THANK YOU so much. Love, ML


Roll With It
One thing that has amazed me is how much my kids really LIKE the vanilla soymilk. I bought silk brand when it was the only one easily available. Now I get the Walmart brand, because it is much cheaper. I use it in almost all the baking as it gives a very tender baked good. I have had raves over cakes I baked with this.

I find that my kids really prefer it on cereal, and even to drink. thank you can't stand cow milk - he was allergic to it and now can tolerate it but really doesn't like the taste. I can't drink it at all, so the soy milk is a pretty good alternative. But NONE of us like it warm. They make boxes of silk for lunch boxes, but unless you have a way to make it very cold it is pretty gross.

I do find we save $$ with the soymilk because it lasts a LOT longer than cow milk. But if you look at the reg vanilla soymilk and the "kids" vanilla soymilk, the kids version has a LOT more calories because it has a LOT more sugar. So if you are trying to switch, have them get the regular vanilla, not the kids' vanilla.

Also, on things like chocolate milk, the kind you buy that is choc already has a LOT more calories and a LOT more sugar than buying reg milk and adding nestle quik or ovaltine or even hershey's syrup. You will save a LOT of calories by doing it yourself.

We can't make anything with artificial sweetener, so we have to watch for the calories in any drink other than water. When I make kool aid (rare) I use the kind you add sugar to and only add 3/4 cup instead of 1 cup. I also make homemade lemonade and find it has a lot fewer calories than the brand name lemonade mixes. And it is easy - 1 cup lemon juice and 3/4 to 1 cup sugar, and enough water to make 1/2 gallon. Even thank you can do it.

Just thought I would offer some suggestion.

Oh, there has been a fair amt of research that says switching to "fat free" this and that usually only increases calories consumed for a couple of reasons - one being that fat free doesn't mean lower calorie. The other is that with-o some fat, the body doesn't send the "I'm satisfied" message, so the person will continue to eat quite a bit more.

I have found that when I have fat free items the kids continue to eat until they have gone through a LOT more calories. And with regular items they eat far smaller portions.


ML, you've gotten some great suggestions. I agree with making healthy snack choices available and not buying unhealthy options. Good luck -- it's certainly not easy.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
At our house we've been considering locking up some foods. Mostly, we need to not have a lot of the junk in the house. My difficult child seems to go into the needing to eat constantly mode from around 4:00 - bedtime. When there isn't anything-oh the tantrums. I swear he can eat several days worth of calories during those times. We've slowly started cutting back and he isn't happy-oh well.


Well-Known Member
LOL--I thought you meant the police, too!

I got rid of all of our wheat products--actually gave them away to friends. Occasionally I still get a craving for crackers, and I have to remember to lock them in my office. Same with-M&Ms.
I know how hard it is to give up that kind of stuff--easy child in particular is having problems not being able to eat ice cream or muffins at home. Every now and then we'll buy her something, and have to stand over her while she eats it. Otherwise, she has to go to a restaurant or a friend's house.

It is a contant struggle. I feel for you.


Active Member
Susie, you're spot on about "low fat" being bad for diets - I hada low fat diet for decades, literally, and slowly gained despite my best efforts. I found fairly early that I had to avoid commercially-prepared low-fat foods, because they tasted sweeter and had a high GI. But trying to live on a natural foods low-fat diet still had me slowly gaining weight - because the foods i was eating were (as a result of being low-fat as well as low-carb) generally high GI and sending a message to my pancreas to get ready to pump out that insulin. As a result I developed insulin resistance (which I'm sure easy child has in spades - she needs to see a GI man!).

We think of fruit as healthy - and it is. But on my current diet (I've been on it a year, I've lost heaps of weight and I'm currently in maintenance mode) I can only have one piece of fruit a day (one serving) which means, I can have one serve of fruit juice (which I have frozen as my evening treat) OR one piece of fruit. Per. Day.

A kid, especially a boy, could have more, but no more than three a day. He probably should start with two per day.

But frankly, if he began to sneak more fruit, instead of sneaking more crisps, it owuld be preferable!

ON the subject of milk and soy milk - go carefully. We had easy child on soy milk, she had no problem, but they have since found that almost as many people are allergic to soy, as are allergic to cows milk.

Another point - cows' milk may be OK, as yogurt. And yogurt needn't be something sweet.

If you want some healthy recipes, ML, duck over to Healthful Living and we'll give you some recipes. I have my own recipe book I've put together over the years. I need to work on a book that's cvompatible with my current diet - you could have just given me the impetus to do so. I have a travel version for when we go away on holidays; it's got recipes like teriyaki rainbow trout, for which I prepare ahead by bringing along some teriyaki marinade; I also have travel tips for feeding families in affordable style while on holidays.

A lot of my recipes are tasty and good for you as well. They are based on an Australian cuisine, we are a multicultural country of course, but with a different cultural blend to the US. It's amazing how different we can be, one country to another, when we seem so similar in so many respects. For example, Australia and New Zealand are so similar in so many ways culturally, that people sometimes say we should become one country. But although Kiwis & Aussies get on so well (except when some B**** Aussie bowls underarm at cricket - I'm an Aussie, I'm allowed to say that) we found when we travelled there that food-wise, Kiwis eat a great deal more sugar in EVERYTHING. BF1 loved the place - give him cinnamono-sweetened kumara to eat and he is in heaven. And just about everywhere you go in NZ, you see kumara growing. Well, North Island anyway.

So if you're game, give it a go. I'll post some if people want, or PM if there's only a couple interested.



Roll With It
Something about the bacteria in yogurt makes it acceptable even to me (major problems with cows milk in many forms, but yogurt and cheese are OK. Even with lactaid I have problems with milk that extend past my Vit D issue).

My kids have recently found that they LOVE plain yogurt with a SMALL spoonful of jelly in it, or with some blueberries or blackberries. I ran into a sale on froz blackberries - 99 cents a pound is unheard of, but I got 6 pounds because they are my dad's fave fruit. husband introduced the kids to blueberries and yogurt, and then they found the blackberries and asked if they could open a bag to try them in yogurt. It makes a MUCH healthier snack than many they could choose. Seems to satisfy their sweet teeth, and teh berries have a lot of vitamins and other good things in them.

And this is 2 children who SWORE that they would NEVER eat plain yogurt, no matter what was put into it. they don't add any sugar, the berries are unsweetened, and if they use jam they use less than a teaspoon - I have watched them. I am planning to make them some yogurt pops in the freezer with plain yogurt and jam.

They also like things dipped into plain yogurt mixed with honey and cinnamon. Apples are good in it, but they also like cookies, angel food cake, and other things. I do this on nights we have "fondue". Basically I make queso and serve it with various things to dip into it. Then this for dessert. Maybe 1 time a month it makes a "special" dessert that is healthier than brownies or chocolate cake or many other things they ask for.

And I have a mayonaisse cake recipe that uses cocoa and can be made with low fat mayo. It is very light, very satisfying, and versatile. My mom makes it in muffin top pans then serves it with cherries and whipped cream. We worked out the calories vs. a traditional black forest cake and it is quite a bit better.

because sometimes you have to have a celebration and that often means a dessert.


Susiestar you have GREAT ideas. Thank you. I went to walmart to look for ice pop freezer trays but they didn't have any. I'll keep looking!

Something I just found is when making pancakes with the whole wheat krusteze mix, adding apple sauce to the batter makes them sweet and you truly don't need syrup!

I am excited about all these great ideas.


Roll With It
You can also reduce the amt of oil/fat you use in pancakes or muffins if you add applesauce. just be sure you are adding the unsweetened applesauce.

You can also add mashed bananas (if you have too many bananas, you can mash them and freeze them. I freeze them in the amt needed for 1 batch of banana bread, or in ice cube trays to thaw and add to pancakes).

If you cut down the fat, I never cut it lower than 1/2 of the recipe amount. Some oil/fat is needed to make the pancakes/muffins rise properly and not stick to the pan. And, as I mentioned, having some fat makes you get that satisfied feeling. with-o the fat your brain doesn't get that feeling as quickly, so you eat more.

One other thing I do with the kids and husband is to encourage them to drink a whole glass of water with their meal - and to finish it before having seconds.

If we are doing madlibs during dinner I encourage whomever is done with firsts to be the person to write the words for 1 or 2 stories. That gives them a pause between servings and often they take smaller servings. (And each of my kids knew their parts of speech before first grade because we did madlibs so often! I did use terms like "describing word" instead of adjective at first with the kids).


Roll With It
WalMart usually only has the popsicle molds in the summer. Tupperware and Pampered Chef have them all the time I think. I got Tupperware molds at a garage sale and added to them from a thrift store.

I will caution you that the popsicle molds that have the straw built into them to drink off the parts that melt are a total PITA to get clean. Jess bought a set because they looked cool and when she learned that if they were not cleaned immediately the melted stuff set like concrete and was nearly impossible to get out she threw them away.

You can use paper cups (3 oz or 5 oz size) and popsicle sticks or lollipop sticks to make popsicles if you don't have a mold. Just use foil or that press and seal wrap to cover the cup and put the stick through a tiny hole you poke. Try to be sure it is sitting flat in the freezer until it is hard. Then the paper cup can just be torn off.

And there is the ice cube method as taught on Schoolhouse Rock. You put koolaid (or whatever you are using - even pudding works - into an ice cube tray. Cover it iwth the press and seal wrap and put toothpicks into each cube. freeze and then just pop them out. It does help to use 2 toothpicks in each, makes a sturdier handle for kids with hand problems.