Lil, I've seen prettier too, especially in the deep south. But I like the climate you have in Missouri, at least in the winter. I'm not a warm-all-the-time sort of gal. And I love the southern/Midwest mix of friendliness here.
The part of St. Louis I saw when pulling into the train station was right by Busch Stadium and it was not a dirty, busy big city compared to the ones I'm most familiar with (Chicago and Milwaukee). I'm sure there are shabby parts, but not the part I saw.
The only thing I hate down here is that my cell phone provider is not represented down here and my cell phone keeps dropping calls...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Until Bart comes home, I can't Skype or even talk to anyone in Chicago or Wisconsin. I should have gotten Verizon when it came to my tiny neck of Wisconsin. LOL!
I had a very peaceful day. Did a lot of reading on my son's deck that overlooks beautiful homes and large green yards and the mountains. I have to say, I am very proud of Bart. His ex-wife never invited his family over and, when we did go to visit, she was so rude and Bart didn't stop her, so we didn't go back. I barely spoke to Bart while he was married as she was the Gatekeeper. We kind of reconnected after the divorce and he has changed a lot. Yes, he has his moments. I have put them down. But he is doing very well at work. This house is big and new and in a very upscale sub-division. He lives in a co-op area, which I'd never do, and I like more down home areas (we are different), but I am proud that he has a good job for eight years and can afford all he has. I didn't know if he would ever get a job he kept, really, for a while...he had so much mental illness and bad behavior in his 20's. Then when ex kept us at arms length it was ok...we weren't sad. It was easier to talk to him very little. He has expressed a lot of regret that he let her chase us off, but he wanted to get along with her and interacting with us too much, made hell to pay. So he went along with her and I didn't get to know my grandson. So he made a lot of mistakes, but he does admit they were mistakes. I give him that. He is much more stable now than before, even if he still freaks out under stress. We get along well most of the time, as long as I remind him of the boundaries. He has been very kind to me so far and is excited for Junior to see me.
Lil, your son can do this too. When my son was your son's age, I did not even want to know him and I could not be proud of him at all and he was living with his ex with MY ex in ex's condo. He was not on his own, stable, or nice. AT least your son is ni ce to There is hope. I am seeing it. Not perfection here, but a good job and a very responsible,loving father. I used to wonder if he was antisocial...that's how bad it was...then and now. He has changed a lot. He has done a lot of therapy, like I have, not as much, but it has helped.
Keep hoping.