I want to add this. I understand with all my heart what newstart is saying here. She is describing the impossible agony that we suffer, when we choose for ourselves over our child. And she is supporting you to look as deeply as you can, with God, about what you can do, how far you can go, without sacrificing yourself.
But the thing is we are here on this board because we have bent over so far to meet our children where they are, that we've lost ourselves. I have been in therapy 2.5 years. Not long ago, the psychologist who I like, admire and trust, said something like this. The price for feeling and knowing you're a separate person from your son, is you have less love.
I don't know if this is fully true. But it's a little bit true. If to have a separate self, and to be aware of, and have control over how much I sacrifice of myself and my life, is less love, then I have less love. I believe my son feels and thinks I love him less. He's expressed it. Quite meanly and aggressively. I did not fold. I doubled down. I said. If you continue down this road and don't change, you will find that I want minimal contact with you.
I think my son feels I love him less because I don't want to suffer the consequences of his behavior towards me and the way he lives his life.
And it is true. The latter part. I don't want to suffer the effects of his poor choices.
But I see that this might be a place to stand, and to be more open. If I can protect myself, and if I do protect myself, maybe I will have something to give. But giving has to come from a place of safety and of strength.
I have decided I will try to get even stronger. By doing so I am hopeful I can better tolerate his behavior. And not be so reactive. I will try to have better communication. I will try again to have a relationship. But I will never again sacrifice myself. Only you know what it is to sacrifice yourself. I think that is in part what newstart is telling you in her beautiful, compassionate and heartfelt post.