Copa, in all seriousness, I would both hear the doctors and do my own research. You are extremely smart, way more than me, and you can probably figure out the safety issue. They might be being overly cautious because if you did get sick they would not want to get sued.
If I had to be distant from my beloved pet I wiuld bring treats and interact the best I could.
But I know how you feel .Jacksin is having surgery on Aug. 16 and will have to stay in tje hospital 3 or 4 days. Its in Madison which is not close to us but it is the best vet hospital practically in the state so he goes there . But we have three other pets and both of us cant stay in Madison. One of us has to care for the otjer pets. Since I am directionally challenged and would never get to Madison I will not see him for a while. It will break my heart. I cant even be there during the surgery.
Its tough for pet loving moms when our babies are sick.