Well-Known Member
So I have written previously about my controlling, domineering mother who has attempted to take over mine and my kids' lives. Well she's at it again, only worse. I had a rather unpleasant altercation with her at my work, where she showed up unannounced to talk about personal issues. First thing she tells me is that she has been online and looking at my AT&T account and noticed my son has been using up a lot of data. No surprise there. He plays games before and after school plus downloads music and uses up an astronomical amount of data. I currently have a 40GB plan to share between the three of us, and sometimes he still goes over.
Well my supposedly good intentioned mother took it upon herself to call my cell phone carrier and pretend she was me. She gave them all of my info, including my social security number, and had the cell phone carrier shut off my son's access to data. Mind you, this is something I was going to do on my own anyway, once he had reached a certain limit, but that gave her no right to fraudently use my name and do it herself! If that's not bad enough, she also took a trip down to my bank to talk to them about a credit card company who is automatically taking out money out of my checking account to pay back a rather large outstanding balance. My mom doesn't trust this company, and perhaps she's right, but that does not give her the right to go to my bank, cancel my current debit card, stop the automatic payments, and issue me a brand new card!
When my mom told me she did me this "favor" of cancelling my debit card, I was floored. I am equally as floored with my bank for cancelling my card without my permission! Needless to say, when my mom showed up at my work with this new info about my bank and my cell phone carrier, I was not happy. I told her in very polite, but firm words, never to use my name again and from now on to let me handle my own financial issues. She stormed out of the office in a huff, quite pissed off at me.
She then texted me a couple minutes later to tell me I treated her incredibly rude and I disrespected her. I was stunned silent for a few moments. First off, when she confronted me at work, I was very calm, cool, and collected. I was not going to get upset or raise my voice at her at work. Secondly, shouldn't I have every right to be pissed of at HER? After I had calmed myself, I texted her back telling her she was way out of line for coming to my work and doing what she did. IF anybody was being rude, it was her. She stood firm and told me how wrong it was of me to treat her like a child. Ummm..huh?!
She then stated that she was shocked I wasn't grateful for her help. She told me she honestly thought my reaction would have been, "Thank you mom for your help. I love you." I still can't believe she is totally clueless as to why I am upset with her for fraudulently accessing my accounts. I am a perfectly competent woman who has held down the same job for almost ten years. I think I am more than capable of handling things on my own, despite my anxiety issues. She is taking over my life WAY too much, and it's really starting to get to me. She still insists on being present for every single IEP meeting, She calls my kids teachers and emails them on a regular basis and will go as far as to tell them how to teach. They don't like it and neither do I. In the past I have tried to revoke her authority to speak to anybody at my children's schools.
Her response is to cry and beg. She accuses me of being harsh and unfeeling. She says she just loves her grandchildren so much, that she wants to be actively involved in their lives. She then tells me that the next time my car breaks down, or I need a little help with money, she will refuse to give it to me. So once again she makes me out to be the bad person. According to her, I don't appreciate anything. That is simply not true. She is a big help some days. She takes the kids to doctor's appointments so I don't have to take time off work. She keeps the kids overnight to spend time with them. She helps buy clothing and school supplies. I always thank her more than enough for her efforts. But that does not mean she can step all over everybody's toes and run my household in return. In all honesty, she makes me feel like I am the stupidest, most incompetent, worthless human on this planet. She acts like if she weren't in our lives, my whole entire world would be in shambles. How do I politely tell this woman to back WAY off before I break all contact completely? I know it's a drastic measure, but I'm willing to do it for my own sanity!
Well my supposedly good intentioned mother took it upon herself to call my cell phone carrier and pretend she was me. She gave them all of my info, including my social security number, and had the cell phone carrier shut off my son's access to data. Mind you, this is something I was going to do on my own anyway, once he had reached a certain limit, but that gave her no right to fraudently use my name and do it herself! If that's not bad enough, she also took a trip down to my bank to talk to them about a credit card company who is automatically taking out money out of my checking account to pay back a rather large outstanding balance. My mom doesn't trust this company, and perhaps she's right, but that does not give her the right to go to my bank, cancel my current debit card, stop the automatic payments, and issue me a brand new card!
When my mom told me she did me this "favor" of cancelling my debit card, I was floored. I am equally as floored with my bank for cancelling my card without my permission! Needless to say, when my mom showed up at my work with this new info about my bank and my cell phone carrier, I was not happy. I told her in very polite, but firm words, never to use my name again and from now on to let me handle my own financial issues. She stormed out of the office in a huff, quite pissed off at me.
She then texted me a couple minutes later to tell me I treated her incredibly rude and I disrespected her. I was stunned silent for a few moments. First off, when she confronted me at work, I was very calm, cool, and collected. I was not going to get upset or raise my voice at her at work. Secondly, shouldn't I have every right to be pissed of at HER? After I had calmed myself, I texted her back telling her she was way out of line for coming to my work and doing what she did. IF anybody was being rude, it was her. She stood firm and told me how wrong it was of me to treat her like a child. Ummm..huh?!
She then stated that she was shocked I wasn't grateful for her help. She told me she honestly thought my reaction would have been, "Thank you mom for your help. I love you." I still can't believe she is totally clueless as to why I am upset with her for fraudulently accessing my accounts. I am a perfectly competent woman who has held down the same job for almost ten years. I think I am more than capable of handling things on my own, despite my anxiety issues. She is taking over my life WAY too much, and it's really starting to get to me. She still insists on being present for every single IEP meeting, She calls my kids teachers and emails them on a regular basis and will go as far as to tell them how to teach. They don't like it and neither do I. In the past I have tried to revoke her authority to speak to anybody at my children's schools.
Her response is to cry and beg. She accuses me of being harsh and unfeeling. She says she just loves her grandchildren so much, that she wants to be actively involved in their lives. She then tells me that the next time my car breaks down, or I need a little help with money, she will refuse to give it to me. So once again she makes me out to be the bad person. According to her, I don't appreciate anything. That is simply not true. She is a big help some days. She takes the kids to doctor's appointments so I don't have to take time off work. She keeps the kids overnight to spend time with them. She helps buy clothing and school supplies. I always thank her more than enough for her efforts. But that does not mean she can step all over everybody's toes and run my household in return. In all honesty, she makes me feel like I am the stupidest, most incompetent, worthless human on this planet. She acts like if she weren't in our lives, my whole entire world would be in shambles. How do I politely tell this woman to back WAY off before I break all contact completely? I know it's a drastic measure, but I'm willing to do it for my own sanity!