This is my first post, and I would like some advice on the right kind of consequences to give our son for his behavior. Brenden is 13, and he has been diagnosed by a neuropsy with a learning disability in math, and slow processing speed. He does not have ADD or ODD, but he can be defiant and extremely angry when he doesn't get what he wants. Brenden has been suspended from school two times this year for swearing in front of his teachers. Brenden needs to be pushed to do his work and then to hand it in to his teachers. Yesterday Brenden and I had a big argument over the homework he needed to complete. Brenden went outside to get some music from our car before he started his work. He tried to get my attention to unlock the car, but I was inside and didn't hear him. Then Brenden threw a rock at our dining room window to get my attention and the glass shattered. We are making Brenden pay the $200 from his savings to pay for a new window. My husband also wants to ground Brenden from going outside or seeing any of his friends for the next 4 days. Brenden has already been grounded for the last two week-ends for his defiance and bad attitude. I am not sure if grounding him again will make any difference at all. We have been seeing a psychologist about Brenden's behavior, and he is trying to help to control and anger and impulsivity. My question is: Is there anything else that we can do to help Brenden to think before he acts, and do you think that it will help if we keep him inside for another week-end? Brenden is not on any medications now. Thanks for any suggestions you can give us.