Mom? What's a difficult child?
OK so I am still realizing just how different my two daughters are... My diagnosis'd difficult child has always basically listened when she was able to. She was a wonderful toddler etc. She just had obvious (now) issues that she could not control. Well easy child/difficult child 2 is such a diiferent story she is the one that climbs the walls, gets in the toilet, destroys things etc.
So I am in the shower this morning and I come out and here is easy child and our calico Annie laying in my bed together and she is feeding her raisins!!! It was so cute... Fast forward to tonight and difficult child says to me " why is Rainy's fur all over the floor?" I assumed it was because Annie our young crazy cat had been tormenting my big tabby all night and f'ing with her. She was abused as a kitten and is very shy.
So I come out to were Rainy lays around and I see big clumps of fur... so I pick some up and look closer, it is cut straight across??? Like scissors did it!!! So I go into the other room and ask difficult child, who is incapable of lying, she says no, I ask easy child/difficult child 2 she says "yeah" I ask her why and she said " I was trying to get the knots out!"
I had to cut out some knots from Annie's fur 2 weeks ago... ugh. But first of all how the heck did she get this neurotic cat to sit and let her do this to her??? And I was in the room, I was in the kitchen for about 10 minutes without her, is she that sneaky??? That cat loves her... it is pretty funny now that I know the cat is fine, some missing fur, haha.
How does a 2 yo get to be so stealth... little s- -t!!!
So I have one cat eating raisins with my 2 yo and the other letting her cut her hair!!!! This kid is trouble... :hammer:
So I am in the shower this morning and I come out and here is easy child and our calico Annie laying in my bed together and she is feeding her raisins!!! It was so cute... Fast forward to tonight and difficult child says to me " why is Rainy's fur all over the floor?" I assumed it was because Annie our young crazy cat had been tormenting my big tabby all night and f'ing with her. She was abused as a kitten and is very shy.
So I come out to were Rainy lays around and I see big clumps of fur... so I pick some up and look closer, it is cut straight across??? Like scissors did it!!! So I go into the other room and ask difficult child, who is incapable of lying, she says no, I ask easy child/difficult child 2 she says "yeah" I ask her why and she said " I was trying to get the knots out!"
I had to cut out some knots from Annie's fur 2 weeks ago... ugh. But first of all how the heck did she get this neurotic cat to sit and let her do this to her??? And I was in the room, I was in the kitchen for about 10 minutes without her, is she that sneaky??? That cat loves her... it is pretty funny now that I know the cat is fine, some missing fur, haha.
How does a 2 yo get to be so stealth... little s- -t!!!
So I have one cat eating raisins with my 2 yo and the other letting her cut her hair!!!! This kid is trouble... :hammer: