We like almond milk... we tried soy when difficult child was a baby but it really smelled awful. We did rice milk until about 6 mo's ago, and a friend recommended almond milk because it's thicker and smoother. I can even eat it on cereal and be happy with-it!
Is a candida saliva test something you do at a pediatrician ofc, or is it a specialized homeopathic test?
My difficult child has the capital <span style='font-size: 14pt'><span style="color: #FF0000">H</span></span> in ADHD so adderal works very well for him. with-o it, he's like Mr. Hyde. Unbelievably hyper,short tempered and mean. The adderal is like a miracle.
Interesting about the other medications, and the sugar aspect.
We are finally off of red dyes, which he does voluntarily. Yaaay! Now, for the blue and yellow dyes. (I opted not to do them all at once, because with-his temperament, he'd freak and not cooperate.)
We've cut wheat back by about 70%. Maybe by the end of summer we can cut it out completely. I'm going to encourage him to go bun-free during bar-b-que season.
(Bun-free. I like that expression! :grin: )