NonVerbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) vs Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) vs AS


New Member
Steely, shouldda, couldda, wouldda, but you really couldn't. Asperger's itself only hit the DSM in 1995. Matt was already 5. I suspect the same for PPD-not otherwise specified. It was only about the year 2000 that a full awareness was emerging of the fact that Autism could be "subtle" and wasn't like Rainman or worse.

You did the best you could with the knowledge that was available. Now Matt has to figure out his own way, but he's still got you around to help him through.

Take heart, his poor behavior may have been due to the bipolar. DD1 is not on the autism spectrum, but I'm quite certain is somewhere on the bipolar spectrum. She's displaying more and more "poor behavior" despite being a great kid, and knowing all the rules and being easy child about 90% of the time. She's actually embarrassed afterwards when she acts out - especially if it happens in front of the whole school. OY!


Active Member
Yep keista you are right - by the time "aspergers" was widely noted he was 10. I remember getting him a neuropsychologist at that time, and again, the dr said he fits most of the criteria but he has empathy and makes eye contact, so therefore he didn't really have it. In addition - Matt does not come across as unusual, or awkward - so no one ever thought of him as having more problems than just being a bully and a brat. OMG the time and energy I spent fighting for his Special Education rights, and for them to reinforce the BIP was over the top. Even the private schools that were supposed to be geared for kids like him, didn't know what to do with him, and eventually kicked him out. I believe he is still an enigma to most doctors.

This week he finally got a psychiatrist appointment, the first time in a year, and was able to portray to this Dr this stable, conscientious, smart, individual. Two days later he calls me and tells me he is really suicidal again!!! I am like - why didn't you tell the Dr this??? " I don't trust people mom, I can't tell them what is really going on, you know that." UGH. A long talk ensued after that - but I guess my point is, is that he can present perfect when he wants to - which again makes it all that much more complicated.

Anyway - sorry to Bogart this thread :) Seriously I am going to read your thread about this.


Active Member
OK - now I am really into this article Seriously mentioned. Fascinating! Matt seems to fit McDD to a tee. And the medication strategy they suggest is much different than others have recommended for Matt. Good interesting stuff!