Here is what he said. First he told me to go to this specific store (Suz, do you ever go to Ocean City, NJ? It's just over the ninth street bridge.) And apparantly the manager, I won't name names, but he is extemely knowledgable and will hook me up with the best wines for the money. I'm sure anytown, USA has a wine savvy worker in the local liquor store. But he mentioned Reisling wines, and there are many brands, he said ask the manger at the store to suggest some kinds and try. He said he orders all his wine by the case, but he tries lots, based on the suggestions before he orders. Here are the websites- by the way I ordered 10 different bottles , all different, with the score of 88-90 for 11.00 and 13.00 each. It was free shipping on Thursday when I happened to look there thats why I ordered then- and Friday my wine arrived Fed Ex. Plus the Dr said this is a good site. winelibrary is one. Also he said if you subscribe to this wine magazine (I have to find the paper he wrote it on) you will get e-mails from winerys that are fabulous and can only be bought through these e-mails but they are very good quality. According to the Dr. Oh, he said get Pearl Saki, in a blue bottle, it is cloudy and white, a sipping wine, I did buy that also and that was 12.00 and really good. I never had saki before. I'll be right back.