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This may sound like poor parenting, but I assure you that it isn’t. B. is 16, diagnosed with Asperger’s, Social Anxiety, Selective Mutism (God, how I wish he would shut his mouth now), Sensory Processing Disorder and possible ADHD @ 6, borderline IQ (he is a genius, just not academically), and learning disorders. Fast forward 6 years and all the interventions this desperate mother could find and 2 inpatient stays that did nothing but exacerbate symptoms. Additional, and I think the most accurate diagnosis as of yet, ODD. Currently if it weren’t for his age, I would bet my life he suffers and causes us to suffer from ASPD. He ticks all the boxes except for hurting animals. He has, for about two years now, refused intervention. He has literally tried to strangle me while driving to the psychologist (age 13). He refuses medications and treatment of any kind. Can’t I MAKE him participate? Isn’t that my right and responsibility to make sure he gets the therapy he needs? I literally can’t. He has threatened my life more times than I can count, more than he’s ever said “I love you.” Completely out of control and I feel on the fast track to prison. Steals, lies, no remorse, no accountability, hurts others and is a school drop out. He has never passed a grade academically, but he is just pushed onto the next year. He has an IEP since kindergarten and had a 1:1 aide who he was unkind and inattentive to for years. No progress, just escalation of destructive behavior and absolute refusal of intervention. His Dad has thrown the towel in a long time ago and just talks to him about his behavior, which does absolutely nothing. Unmedicated, untreated and cruel verbally, he stays holed up in his room. He comes out to use the bathroom and eat or harass us. Dad works 4 to 12. Those are his hours of opportunity to verbally abuse, physically intimidate and destroy property. As if all this wasn’t enough, he is my main trigger. I have CPTSD and he organically knows how to trigger my fear. He knows exactly what to say, what buttons to push, how to startle me, to incapacitate me psychologically, leaving me more and more traumatized and incompetent to respond to his actions. He hates us all (we have a large family: Mom, Dad and our children. The boys are 21, 18, 16 and the twin girls are 14) yet his laser focused aggression is directed at me. HE HATES ME. There are many times when he’s kind to me and helplessly hoping something has changed and that we can have a healthy relationship, he manipulates me, gets what he wants and returns to his normal, abusive and vindictive self. I have let myself be duped time after time. Every time I tell myself I will not be fooled again, but he is so good at what he does. Daily death threats have left me afraid and alone, hopeless and so very confused. He was my sweet little baby boy. I would move the world for him, yet he SEETHES hatred, pure hatred towards me. I am at a loss. We are all punished by his actions, but destroying me seems to be his main objective. I apologize for the long post and must say I am so happy to have found you

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