New Member
difficult child called tonight and said that his block councilor said that if he could come up with a home plan he could get out Feb.14th. I don't know what to believe now. Just last week the prison social worker told me that they wouldn't let him out if he didn't complete the early release program and that difficult child wouldn't max out until Feb 2008. husband and I will have to sit down and discuss how much we are going to help difficult child get his plan in order. difficult child seems to want our input as well as our help. He asked us if we could help him find a sober house or group home. He doesn't have much access to a telephone. He said he was going to write his PO and ask her for a list and go to the prison library to see if he cold find the names and addresses of some places. He was so excited. I told him that we had different information and that he should check it out. I feel bad for him because his PO still hasn't returned our telephone call from before the holidays.