Active Member
OK, I'm getting thoughts together so I can keep things as simple as possible when I meet with an attny Monday. Besides asking if he can call PO's super and help her to see that I had been going by what PO was telling me and apparently, that wasn't the way he was relaying things to her and now he's acting like I was trying to write the parole plan and not respecting their authority over difficult child, etc, I'm hoping he can discuss the following with her:
Could difficult child serve the last 60 days of his sentence in the local detention center since he will have completed his JCC program by early December and the advanced diploma at school is no longer an option and that time be used to find out if hes going to comply with POs and my requirements, then determine if he should go to the group home based on whether or not this is successful? This would allow time and make it easier for PO and caseworker to talk with him and I would be happy to take him to family therapy and check him out for periods then bring him back, if that is allowed, in order to see how he behaves with me and if we can reestablish a comfort level; I will be happy to work with caseworker thru this period, as well; if difficult child does not show willingness to comply with PO and parents requirements thru transitional period in detention center, then he goes to group home instead of coming straight home. And would they stick to this and allow him to come home if all parties are working together successfully and difficult child is compliant or do they already want him in the group home under any circumstances?
Then, my questions to remain confidential at this point, between attny and me, are:
If they are insistent on a plan that keeps him out of the home until hes around 18 yo, the group homes approach concentrates more on getting boys to independent living than reunification with family, and I have no parental rights, then why do I still need to be involved with PO requirements? If I do have parental rights while difficult child is in the proposed group home on parole, what are they? What are legal consequences on me if I quit talking to and seeing PO and if there are demands on me from group home that I cannot meet? Can they prevent me from having contact with my son? If I have to maintain contact with a PO, can that be thru an attny in order to minimize occasions where what Im being told isnt actually what is transpiring and not consistent from one week to the next and apparently not consistent with what is being told to his supervisor and are serving no purpose other than setting me up to go in one direction and have certain expectations only for everyone to end up angry because they are all under a different impression of what is supposed to be transpiring? Well, I'm trying to find a diplomatic way to say the PO was telling me one thing one day, and saying the opposite the next, and of course, the super doesn't know this.
Can anyone else think of any major issue I have forgotten?
Could difficult child serve the last 60 days of his sentence in the local detention center since he will have completed his JCC program by early December and the advanced diploma at school is no longer an option and that time be used to find out if hes going to comply with POs and my requirements, then determine if he should go to the group home based on whether or not this is successful? This would allow time and make it easier for PO and caseworker to talk with him and I would be happy to take him to family therapy and check him out for periods then bring him back, if that is allowed, in order to see how he behaves with me and if we can reestablish a comfort level; I will be happy to work with caseworker thru this period, as well; if difficult child does not show willingness to comply with PO and parents requirements thru transitional period in detention center, then he goes to group home instead of coming straight home. And would they stick to this and allow him to come home if all parties are working together successfully and difficult child is compliant or do they already want him in the group home under any circumstances?
Then, my questions to remain confidential at this point, between attny and me, are:
If they are insistent on a plan that keeps him out of the home until hes around 18 yo, the group homes approach concentrates more on getting boys to independent living than reunification with family, and I have no parental rights, then why do I still need to be involved with PO requirements? If I do have parental rights while difficult child is in the proposed group home on parole, what are they? What are legal consequences on me if I quit talking to and seeing PO and if there are demands on me from group home that I cannot meet? Can they prevent me from having contact with my son? If I have to maintain contact with a PO, can that be thru an attny in order to minimize occasions where what Im being told isnt actually what is transpiring and not consistent from one week to the next and apparently not consistent with what is being told to his supervisor and are serving no purpose other than setting me up to go in one direction and have certain expectations only for everyone to end up angry because they are all under a different impression of what is supposed to be transpiring? Well, I'm trying to find a diplomatic way to say the PO was telling me one thing one day, and saying the opposite the next, and of course, the super doesn't know this.
Can anyone else think of any major issue I have forgotten?