Just my .02 Unless the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) understand mental illness and medication, lots of kids are not helped. In such a young chlid, I'd look at the medications first. paxil has been warned against kids under 18. If there is any chance your child has bipolar or a mood disorder of any sort, Paxil can be the culprit cauging the child to be out of control. It could be a simple matter of switching to a mood stabilzier and removing the Paxil. I take Paxil for depression and it's a powerful medication which is VERY hard to wean from. If I had known that, when it was prescribed to me a long time ago, i wouldn't have taken it because the withdrawals make one far worse before better. You may want to look up Paxil Withdrawal Syndrome in your Google Search. It's too late for me. I've been on it for ten years and it helps me (but I'm not bipolar), but i would never go off of it; I dont think I could handle the withdrawals. I'd have to stay on at least a small amount. I wish psychiatrists would tell us these things, but often they don't. Lately, I do extensive research before I trust a psychiatrist's opinion or the medication he recommends. I've become so cynical, i don't trust therapists of any sort to be able to diagnose at all, as they don't have medical degrees. ADHD/ODD is often a code word(s) for bipolar; they were for my son. medications like stims and antidepressants make bipolar worse and can lead to hosopitalization and, yes, even Residential Treatment Center (RTC) placement. I'd go to a new psychiatrist, with a great rep, and get a second opinion before I'd put her in Residential Treatment Center (RTC), which may not help. I hope this isn't too preachy; we've just been thru a lot. Son was in Residential Treatment Center (RTC) and hospitals many times. now he is stable, a word I never thought I'd say. And it was all because the doctors kept treating him wrongly for ADHD/ODD. Hugs and good luck whichever route you take. I support you.