Runawaybunny sad news

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
Recently we found out some very sad news. Runawaybunny, who was the owner and admin of the site, passed away last year in May. I don't know any of the details of her passing and was shocked to hear about her. I am forever grateful to Runawaybunny for making this site available, and all the support she has provided. Her daughter has taken ownership of the site but is not an internet website guru as her mother was.

She has put me in contact with her IT guy who is currently the acting admin for the site. Myself and Nomad are now new moderators. We are working on figuring out the moderator functionality and catching up on some pending items to be addressed. So please have patience, we'll get there.

I know users have not been posting as much over the last months as we've had in the past. I'm hoping that will change now. As we all know this site is a life saver for those who are going through so much and find their way here. I for one, am very grateful to the members here for all of the guidance and emotional support I've received from you for the years I've been here.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Deni. As you know I have been locked out since February or so. I have been unable to post and unable to open a new account. There are others who have been locked out of their accounts, too.

Deni has been helping me try everything to get back on. And Nandina tried to help me too. Both of them tried and tried. Nothing worked. Until today Deni wrote to me that I should try to log on. She had intervened with the new site administrator.

I know she will help any of you who were similarly locked out. Thank you, Deni.

I have watched as the site got sparser and sparser. Posting has been way down, and visits too. It's been very, very sad.

But for me there was one plus. I had been posting without a break since 2015. Nearly 8 years. Most of my jobs were less than this. In a way it has been a good thing to wean myself off of the dependency. And I have been very busy with my work.

But not posting has not been a good thing for me, in relation to my son.

Honestly, on my own I do not have the skills or strength to bear what I must. It is not that I have been asking you all for advice or support, nor have I done so for many years. It is that my voice here for others must be strong. And I call upon that strength for you. And when I do so, I become stronger myself. I become a stronger and better person.

When I don't speak here through my posts, I seem to shrivel up as a mother. I begin to regret having been a mother. I feel like a total failure as a mother, and it's hard to hold onto anything good about myself or my life. My only coping mechanisms with my son (without this site) seem to be withdrawal and denial and feeling a total failure. Just giving up.

Which is to say, I am happy to be back.

I want to end by expressing my condolences to Runaway Bunny's daughter and family. I also want to express my gratitude for this site and for the many years of stewardship and care that RB gave this site. She cared deeply about the forum and tried to protect it and us. For that I will always be grateful. I cannot imagine how I would have survived emotionally, without it.
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Well-Known Member
I am shocked and saddened to hear this very sad news about Runawaybunny. My sincerest condolences to her family and friends.

I am forever grateful for this special site and all of those that supported me throughout the years with my sons and family in general.

I lost one of my son’s 2 years ago in a tragic death involving being hit on the highway and his own Meth use while homeless.

The other son has a wife and 3 beautiful daughters and a very successful business which he works day and night for. He is sober for now.

Copa…I am SO glad you’re back!

Runawaybunnys daughter Nomad and Demi thank you.


Staff member
She has put me in contact with her IT guy who is currently the acting admin for the site. Myself and Nomad are now new moderators. We are working on figuring out the moderator functionality and catching up on some pending items to be addressed. So please have patience, we'll get there.
That would be me. I've been here for several years working with Runawaybunny to ensure the server was maintained and updated, along with the software that runs this (and her other sites that are hosted on the same server).

There are a few issues with the software currently, and I'm in touch with Runawaybunny's daughter to try and get additional access to sort them out.


Well-Known Member
My deepest condolences to Runaway Bunny's family. I'm so sorry to hear of her death. I've been here, off and on, since 2000, I think, and am very pleased that there is a definite plan to keep the site up and running. It was a godsend when I was having so much trouble with my darling daughter. Many, many hugs to those who keep on posting and for those who provide the forum for our posts, Thank you.


Well-Known Member
My deepest sympathy for runaway bunny's family and may she rest in eternal peace. Thank you for this wonderful site.
Welcome back Copa, I have missed your posts and deep insight. So happy to see your name.


Well-Known Member
I am so very sorry to learn of Runawaybunny's passing. :crying:. Condolences to her family. I come back here now and again due to ongoing issues with my son, who is about to turn 27. I think he was 7 when I first came here because of issues with my 11-year-old daughter. My how time flies.

I recall when she took over this site and did a wonderful job running it.

Good seeing some familiar names.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Aloha all,
Im so sorry to learn of Runawaybunnys passing. My sincere condolences to her family, may they find comfort in knowing that she has helped so many folks with her work on this site. Thank you Deni and Nandina for your efforts to help those who were locked out. I have been viewing on and off and have not posted for awhile, but am very thankful that CD is up and running. Like Copa (Hi Copa!) I have been here since 2015, and it was through posting and receiving the kindness of parents facing similar challenges, that I was able to move forward with some sanity. I will post more later, I have to take advantage of the coolness of the morning to work in my jungle garden. That helps me stay somewhat sane as well. Much love to all and peace be with Runawaybunny’s loved ones.
New Leaf


Hi New Leaf, and good to “see“ you!

Although my name was mentioned in an earlier post, I too was locked out and can’t take credit for helping anyone get back on. I’m seriously computer challenged! Lol Along with Deni, I think Nomad is the other person who is helping in that regard. They are now site administrators.

A jungle garden sounds lovely. I’m doing a lot of gardening myself this summer although mine is a forest garden with a lot of shade and some other challenging areas to fill.

Please stay in touch and give us an update when you can. I love reading your posts and admire the great care you take with raising your grandchildren. Many blessings to you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I too offer my condolences to Runaway Bunny’s family. I was , as everyone, very saddened to hear the news. She was always very kind and helpful to me. I’m very appreciative of this.

I’m not an Administrator, but a moderator. Have been getting IT-type learning from Deni! Grateful.

So glad Deni was able to work with Matt and get Copa, Nandina and others back to the site! Wonderful to have everyone back.

This site was my lifesaver especially way back when my daughter was a teen and I had no clue what in the world was going on. So extremely difficult…it’s impossible to fully express. Thank goodness, I had this place of refuge.


Well-Known Member
I too was locked out and can’t take credit for helping anyone get back on.
That is not so, Nandina. You helped get me back on the site, by connecting me with Deni. Thank you Deni.

I want to thank RB's daughter for sticking with us, even though she doesn't know us. I want her to know the gratitude I feel to her mother.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been here for a while. I'd noticed that the board was getting slower and fewer people were commenting so I got out of the habit of posting.

I'm so very sad to hear of Runaway Bunny's passing and wish to pass on my deepest condolences to her family.

It's good to see a few familiar names back here posting.


Active Member
Thank you Deni. As you know I have been locked out since February or so. I have been unable to post and unable to open a new account. There are others who have been locked out of their accounts, too.

Deni has been helping me try everything to get back on. And Nandina tried to help me too. Both of them tried and tried. Nothing worked. Until today Deni wrote to me that I should try to log on. She had intervened with the new site administrator.

I know she will help any of you who were similarly locked out. Thank you, Deni.

I have watched as the site got sparser and sparser. Posting has been way down, and visits too. It's been very, very sad.

But for me there was one plus. I had been posting without a break since 2015. Nearly 8 years. Most of my jobs were less than this. In a way it has been a good thing to wean myself off of the dependency. And I have been very busy with my work.

But not posting has not been a good thing for me, in relation to my son.

Honestly, on my own I do not have the skills or strength to bear what I must. It is not that I have been asking you all for advice or support, nor have I done so for many years. It is that my voice here for others must be strong. And I call upon that strength for you. And when I do so, I become stronger myself. I become a stronger and better person.

When I don't speak here through my posts, I seem to shrivel up as a mother. I begin to regret having been a mother. I feel like a total failure as a mother, and it's hard to hold onto anything good about myself or my life. My only coping mechanisms with my son (without this site) seem to be withdrawal and denial and feeling a total failure. Just giving up.

Which is to say, I am happy to be back.

I want to end by expressing my condolences to Runaway Bunny's daughter and family. I also want to express my gratitude for this site and for the many years of stewardship and care that RB gave this site. She cared deeply about the forum and tried to protect it and us. For that I will always be grateful. I cannot imagine how I would have survived emotionally, without it.
I’m so glad you’re back! I get soooo much from your posts. 🙂


So sad to hear this. I was locked out too. Glad to see that I can now interact again.

This site is so valuable.

Thank you to everyone who continues to post on the site and for the work of the admins.


Active Member
Recently we found out some very sad news. Runawaybunny, who was the owner and admin of the site, passed away last year in May. I don't know any of the details of her passing and was shocked to hear about her. I am forever grateful to Runawaybunny for making this site available, and all the support she has provided. Her daughter has taken ownership of the site but is not an internet website guru as her mother was.

She has put me in contact with her IT guy who is currently the acting admin for the site. Myself and Nomad are now new moderators. We are working on figuring out the moderator functionality and catching up on some pending items to be addressed. So please have patience, we'll get there.

I know users have not been posting as much over the last months as we've had in the past. I'm hoping that will change now. As we all know this site is a life saver for those who are going through so much and find their way here. I for one, am very grateful to the members here for all of the guidance and emotional support I've received from you for the years I've been here.
I am pretty new here but wanted to give my condolences to family, friends of hers. ❤️💐 Thank you all for taking over the task of this board, definitely has helped me even though most days I just read.