Side Effects of Strattera


New Member
Do any other difficult child's take Straterra? My difficult child is on 50mg a day. He has no appetite, and he is more angry when he is on it. On the plus side, he has brought home many good notes from summer school, so we will see how the TAKS test turns out at the end of summer. We are willing to overlook the anger right now. One battle at a time.

But I was just curious if any others had these side effects.



trying to survive....
My child didn't eat while on it and also had a bad headcache. I'm not certain about being angry--because he's usually a little grumpy. The straterra did not seem to help him with the anger.



New Member
The only real side effect that I remember with difficult child was his tics when we upped the dosage. I didn't find it did anything with his ADHD but the teachers did notice it lessened his anxiety.


Active Member
We took Strattera, and it made my son more impulsive and irritated. Eventually, since he is/was Bi-Polar, it resulted in a manic episode. For a child who is not Bi-Polar, however, I believe it can still really shorten their fuse.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Strattera wasn't good for my difficult child. He became very irritable and angry. This is due to his bipolar though and he cannot take any of the stimulants or Strattera because they all make him the same way.