Not sure if this is where I should be posting this but here goes. Today I received an email from one of difficult child's Special Education. teachers. If anyone has seen my posts in the general forum this is the one he has a major personality conflict with.
She told me today he was in the time out room for 3 1/2 minutes (not really that long). In her email she also asked if I have any ideas on how to help him have a better opinion of her.
I feel so bad but I have no ideas. We talk to him nightly about it. It gets us nowhere. He is emotionally at about a 3 or 4 year old level so when we try to reason it doesn't help. There was a conflict when he was in 2nd grade with the same teacher. I really think difficult child has decided he isn't going to budge on this.
Any suggestions? I haven't even responded to her email yet because I'm at a loss on ideas to give her on how to increase his opinion of her. Her personality type is not one that difficult child is likely to warm up to.
She told me today he was in the time out room for 3 1/2 minutes (not really that long). In her email she also asked if I have any ideas on how to help him have a better opinion of her.
I feel so bad but I have no ideas. We talk to him nightly about it. It gets us nowhere. He is emotionally at about a 3 or 4 year old level so when we try to reason it doesn't help. There was a conflict when he was in 2nd grade with the same teacher. I really think difficult child has decided he isn't going to budge on this.
Any suggestions? I haven't even responded to her email yet because I'm at a loss on ideas to give her on how to increase his opinion of her. Her personality type is not one that difficult child is likely to warm up to.