The house is empty of children. Well sort of.


Former desparate mom
RobinLaurain, if you got to the faq/board help forum you will find all the acronyms and abbreviations that are used on the site.

Running through the house naked sounds somewhat interesting. :rofl:
Thanks for the congratulations. I appreciate it. easy child put a bit of a scare in us with the seizures and brain surgery a little over a year ago, so I am grateful to see him well on his way. He is still on antiseizure medications but has been seizure free for a year. It's a little more of a worry that something may happen but I'm bound and determined to not coddle him because of the whole brain thing.(even if I want to in my mommy heart)

If difficult child were settled I would be much happier but he is working and in his own place. What more can I expect? I do see him about once a day or two.

I wish you all some child free days to enjoy before the grandchildren move in.


New Member
When I seen the acronym list that difficult child means Gift from God, I got tears in my eyes. I need to get some Prozac,lol. I realized, I have no easy child. They are all difficult child. My son's name Dominic actually means, "Gift from God."
Off Topic: Someone wanted to know how to change the text color.

Use the "color some text" button (3rd from right, letter A over a spectrum) to change the text color:

<span style="color: #33CC00">Green</span> <span style="color: #FF0000">Red</span> <span style="color: #3366FF">Blue</span>

Use the "font size" button (far right) to change the size:
<span style='font-size: 26pt'>Big</span> <span style='font-size: 8pt'>Little</span>



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome to the club, Fran. Although my happy empty nest currently has a teenager residing here again (although temporarily). She is half unpacked and has stuff laying everywhere. I'm starting to think it will stay that way until she leaves for school in August.

I love her but I miss my empty nest.

It's amazing how quickly I got used to a clean, quiet house where everything was just where I left it. :rofl: Now I'm searching for my shaving cream and always out of razor blades.

One quite humorus note ~ easy child showed up from school and told me about an "amazing" discovery ~ liquid fabric softener. I always buy the fabric sheets since I hate messing with measuring the softener and putting it in the washing machine. easy child thought that she was telling me about something I didn't know about.

She has also decided that she doesn't like the cheap laundry detergent that I buy. I told her to feel free to buy herself the expensive kind.:grin:



Well-Known Member
<span style="color: #006600"> </span> this green??? DDD <span style="color: #FF0000"> </span> this red????

I give up! Maybe God is trying to teach me not to be envious!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> this green??? DDD this red????

I give up! Maybe God is trying to teach me not to be envious! </div></div>



DDD type between these to change the text color.


Well-Known Member
OK........1 more try.......are you sure it's OK to be green????
<span style="color: #33FF33">Am I Green, Yet?? </span>