
New Member

The makers of Adderall have come out with a "new" ADHD drug Vyvanse. Has anyone heard anything about it? Better/worse than Adderall?

thanks for input...



New Member
I read an ad about it, and was going to do some research soon and ask the doctor about it at daughter's next appointment. I was a bit excited by the fact that it can last longer.

Sara PA

New Member
It's Vyvanse and was approved February for the treatment of children 6-12. It's a Schedule II Controlled Substance like the other stims.

Sara PA

New Member
Not exactly. Vyvnase is lisdexamfetamine dimesylate; Adderal is mixed amphetamine salts. Vyvnase converts to dextroamphetamine in the gastrointestinal tract. Dexedrine is dextroamphetamine and Adderall has two types of dextroamphetamine in it.


New Member
I am not a parent, but a 29 year old male who has gone through most of the ADHD medication throughout my life (ritalin, dexadrine,adderall, and now vynase). I have a perscription for adderall, and now vynase as well. They differ in several ways. The vynase seems to be a bit more difficult on my stomach. It does have similiar stimulant effects as adderall, but they seem to be to a lesser degree. I like this drug, but it was far to strong as perscribed. I must open each capsule and remove a third to a half of the contents before taking. As a former medicated child, I want to urge all parents not to overmedicate your child. Taking adhd medication is a tough decision with benefits and drawbacks on both sides. First, realize that you child will rarely tell you about side effects on their own. I simply thought whatever side effects there were must be natural and harmless since I got it from a doctor. The most common and unrecognized one is stomach issues. This stuff (all adhd stims) are VERY caustic to the stomach. I think that I suffer stomach issues to this day. Feed your child a full breakfast each morning before administering the medications. Also, make sure to give your child the lowest possible dose. I was always over-medicated, but did not realize until I was much older. I recommend lowering the dosage until desired effect is lost, and then slightly raising it. Things may have changed, but when I was in school, this was definately not the case. The Dr. always recommended taking more, and as a child, I didn't see any problem. I also recommend that all parents take the medication that their children do atleast once to see the effects first hand. You cannot claim to understand the effects until you have felt them. I often hear people say that these medications affect people with ADHD differently than people without it, complete bunk. Just like many anti-psychotic medications simply "shut down" the brain to prevent the negative behavior, these drugs simply "shut down" the impulse section of the brain. The effects are extremely similiar to the street drug known as "meth amphetamine". This does not mean that they cannot help or be benificial to kids that need them. I am simply urging parents to know what the effects of the drugs are first hand, and to give the lowest possible dose. Children will not inform you of issues that you would easily notice (I didn't!). Besides, if you could not safely take one of them, would you give it to your child daily?

David Hallen

New Member
I am familiar with Vyvanse, which I assume is the same medication.
First, there are a variety of dosages. Rather than mess with your pills and cutting them or emptying them, why not just have your doctor prescribe a lower dosage? That makes no sense.

Further, to say that the effect of ADHD medication is to "Shut down" the brain (or to say it of anti-psycotics) is more than misleading, it is completely incorrect.

For a more reliable understanding of what ADHD medications do, it is best to check the manufacturer's website or consult your doctor.

Basically, some time ago, it was found that stimulants for people with ADHD had a different reaction than expected. The stimulants helped the patients focus more, thus relieving many of the problems focusing during cognitive learning and functioning.

If one has ADHD, a dosage that is too high could actually result in somnolence, whereas if someone else took the medication, they may feel speedy.

That's just a general description. Again, any medication page or manufacturer's page would explain the process in greater detail.

I had little success with Ritalin, Metadate, Concerta. I had more success with AdderallXR, although it made me overfocus on things for hours. Vyvanse has given me back clarity of thought without feeling as medicated as AdderallXR.

That is my experience.


Well-Known Member
After using all the other stims over the years, my 7 year old gd, my 18 year old gs and my 22 easy child/difficult child are all on this medication with-o side effects. The psychiatrist has found that most of his adult and pediatric patients do well with this new choice. DDD


New Member
My son's doctor said Vyvanse is much easier on the liver than Adderall and he'd like to see all of his patients that respond well to Vyvanse switched off of Adderall.


New Member
Hi, pepperidge.

My difficult child has been on Vyvanse for some time now. It has been more effective for him than Concerta (e.g., helping him stay focused in school), and it definitely lasts longer (probably by 3-5 hours). difficult child also said he felt better on Vyvanse, although he couldn't really explain in detail.

Hope this helps!

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
My easy child uses Vyvanse and it has been really good for her. I think at times, like with other stimulants, it does affect her appetite, she eats more on weekends when she doesn't take the Vyvanse.


trying to survive....
My 12 year old has been on vyvanse since October 07 and it has been very helpful. He initially was on the 30 mg dosage and this was too high for him. I did have to sprinkle some out...when he first started that did not yet make the 20 mg version. Now he takes 20 mg and vyvanse makes it in a 20 mg dosage. I personally know four other kids taking it and they all take 50 mg. It seems to last a long time and seems to be very smooth.


Our difficult child's been on it for a little over a year now, and he claims to like it much better than the Concerta, Strattera & Rittalin (from waaay back when). He says it doesn't make him shaky like the others did. However, after a few months, the dosage that claims to last 12 hours seemed to last only about 9 hours (he's on the 40 dosage), and it has never done diddly for his impulse control issues, JUST the hyperactive 'spazzyness', as his sister calls it.;)
in my opinion, it helps quite a bit and seems to carry less side effects, but just like all the rest, it's not a miracle drug.


New Member
I felt the need to comment on this person's response. I don't spend much time reading these types of boards, but I felt that my experience could be beneficial to some of the children whose parents might read this. Use common sense, and do your own research. These drugs can be extremely beneficial, but their side effects should be taken very seriously. These drugs have been put through the least amount of testing possible by law before bringing them to market and there have been no tests done on long term effects. While I wouldn't go as far as comparing these drugs to Thalidomide, the lesson should be the same. My comments are in red.

I am familiar with Vyvanse, which I assume is the same medication.
First, there are a variety of dosages. Rather than mess with your pills and cutting them or emptying them, why not just have your doctor prescribe a lower dosage? That makes no sense.

Opening the pills and removing some was my doctor's advice. And it is still the best choice for me since I have more control over my dosage that way.

Further, to say that the effect of ADHD medication is to "Shut down" the brain (or to say it of anti-psycotics) is more than misleading, it is completely incorrect.

You misquoted me, but what I wrote was my experience, and the experience of others. I lost most of my creative ability, which gave me the ability to focus, but at a cost that should at least be recognized. It shut down my impulse center.

For a more reliable understanding of what ADHD medications do, it is best to check the manufacturer's website or consult your doctor.

This is simply a ridiculous statement and this type of thinking is why I bothered to write anything on this subject in the first place. These medicines are arriving so fast that the majority of doctors have little more than the same marketing materials that you have on their effects. I doubt that your doctor was involved in the testing of these drugs, and while as a doctor they do have an understanding of the human body, don't assume that they understand them completely. I'm not trying to insult doctors, but they are only human. The idea that you can get useful information from a drug manufacturers website is amazingly naive and laughable. I am not saying that drug manufacturers would knowingly or intentionally lie or mislead the public about the medications they offer, but they are still involved in a business. Realize that these websites are promotional tools. They are created by the marketing team, not the research team. They can be a good source of basic information, but you shouldn't ever believe their claims over the experiences of people taking the medications. Many decades ago a drug company released a new drug that they claimed would cure all dependence on morphine! It was called heroin. I hope you can see my point. Do your own research and use common sense.

Basically, some time ago, it was found that stimulants for people with ADHD had a different reaction than expected. The stimulants helped the patients focus more, thus relieving many of the problems focusing during cognitive learning and functioning.

If one has ADHD, a dosage that is too high could actually result in somnolence, whereas if someone else took the medication, they may feel speedy.

I'll repeat myself, I don't buy this at all. This something that has been said for quite some time, and has been used as a "scientific" justification for giving children stimulents. I believe what is occuring is simply dependance. When I took my medication daily and regularly I had the effects that you describe an ADHD sufferer would have. While now, I take my medication sporatically, and the effects are often desirable, but often speedy. The idea that these medications have the exact opposite reaction in someone with ADHD that they would have in someone without ADHD is not true. I think that every parent should take the medication they are giving their children at least once. You may not be able to understand the long term impact that it has on your child by simply taking it once, but you will understand the intensity of these drugs. They have been beneficial to me in my life, but when I think back to my childhood, I know that I would have been much better off if my parents had understood the intensity of these drugs they were giving me. Besides, if you can't take something safely for a single day, then it can't be safe for your child to take every day.