what is the rotc that everyone speaks of


New Member
I looked on the abb. pages but didn't see it, seems like some people have had to send their difficult child's to an ROTC?


Active Member
Do you have any idea it took me to work that one out. I did manage in the end, but seriously - it took me at least six months. We just don't have anything like that in Australia.



New Member
<span style="color: #663366"> Residential Treatment Center (RTC) refers to residential treatment centers. ROTC stands for Reserve Officers Training Corp....it is a program offered in middle school (i think), high school & college. it prepares young people interested in the military for *the life*. they can also get scholarships through the program.

i suspect it the residential programs you're asking about tho.

kris :salute:

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
What are you looking for, Amy? Residential Treatment Center (RTC) placements in this state, have to be either ordered by a psychiatrist and/or court ordered.