When the ‘good’ one falls off the rails


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Terry.

Tired, I hope so, too! I’m still on the sidelines trying to figure out how/whether to get involved. He doesn’t know I know and hasn’t fessed up to me yet. I don’t want to disregard my daughter in law’s wishes but it’s really hard to sit with this knowledge and not do something. I’m going to try to talk to her tomorrow and get an update and plan a way forward that she is ok with.


Well-Known Member
For many years YS was our "normal" child. He fell off the rails last year and he is still falling. I haven't updated his story in a while. I will do so shortly.

We are still estranged from him and his brother, so what little we know comes from the information F provides W.

We delighted in YS when he was younger, before his mental illness became apparent, and we will always treasure those memories. Not that we don't love him now. But with the long-term estrangement in progress, it's hard to feel like parents or sometimes to even remember they exist.

Very bizarre.


Well-Known Member
Bloodied i am sorry things have not improved but it appears you have been able to move on to some extent. I hope there is a reconciliation in the future if that is what you want. In the meantime take care of yourself.