
  1. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment

    Apparently there was some huge misunderstanding with the psychiatrist's office. I thought that I was supposed to go the first time alone, and then schedule difficult child. That didn't seem weird to me as that's how it's almost always been with every mental health professional she's seen. But, no. I get there...
  2. N

    Increased Appetite with Risperdal

    I thought Risperdal was supposed to increase appetite and cause weight gain? My difficult child has been on it for about a week now and I haven't seen increase in eating. This is the one side effect I want him to have because the Adderall he's on suppresses his appetite. Do I have to wait longer to see...
  3. J

    I need help: 6 year old son with Oppositional Defiant Disorder/Mood Disorder /ADHD

    My son is 6 years old and in kindergarten. He was diagnosed when he was 4 with mood disorder. The psychiatrist at the time said he is too young to be fully diagnosed with a mental disorder because his brain is still developing/growing. So my son was labeled a mood disorder patient. The...
  4. M

    The Good, The Bad, and The Out and Out UGLY

    Have not had a chance to update here on what has been going on since I last posted. I did take my Daniel to the psychiatrist and I DID get his medications changed. He was kept on the Clonidine 0.1mg at night and the Depakote ER 500mg at night but what was added was Haldo 0.5mg and Lexapro 10mg. He...
  5. L

    14 year old aspergers child

    Hi. My name is Sarah. I have two sons, 14 and 12. The older one has aspergers, diagnosed (finally) at age 12. Till then they called it ADHD. It seems to be much more than either of these. He has many services, has been on many medicines, and is still out of control. He does and says...
  6. gcvmom

    Camp ends tomorrow -- good week overall!

    difficult child 2 had only one timeout today -- YAY! Again, for minor stuff. No violence, no inappropriate behavior with other kids. I think the Seroquel bump is working, but I'm not sure if this is truly enough yet. He's still a bit impulsive in the late afternoon now (at least we're getting a couple...
  7. A

    conduct disorder

    I'm at witts end. :2sad: Don't know how long I can hold it together. Six year adopted great nephew. Nothing seems to phase him as for punishment. If they commit him I don't think there would be any regrets. Have had him since one month old. Biological mother and father have mental problems.
  8. K

    New psychiatrist appointment...interesting

    You all know that I wanted a new psychiatrist for a long time. Due to insurance it was just difficult to do. Mental Health insurance changed this year and the psychiatrist that was recommended was on there. (just in time for me losing my job) difficult child had an appointment this morning. Suppose to be one hour...
  9. G

    Trying to help 13 yr old son with- ADHD/Bipolar/ Anger

    Hello everyone!! I am new to this process, but I would love some input on what I'm dealing with. I have a 13 yr old son who was diagnosed ADHD when he was 5, then at age 7 he was also diagnosed with Bi-Polar. Things were going ok till about age 9, he changed drasticallly. He was admitted into...
  10. flutterby

    Ideas for helping difficult child 2 de-escalate

    difficult child 2 has been diagnosis'd with Bipolar II and ADHD. In my mind, the ADHD is in question because I don't think he's properly medicated - although he is better on his medications than without; just still not stable. His medications are Symbyax (sp?), trazadone for sleep, propranolol for tremors, and Adderall (the...
  11. B

    Our own good/bad experiences with medications for our kids

    Someone suggested this and I thought it was a good idea. We have to remember that everyone is different and that this isn't a "yes" or "no" on anything, just our own children's experineces. I'll start. Ritalin was my son's first medication and it didn't do anything much for him. He was then put on...
  12. crazymama30

    medication vacation

    I have been thinking about this for some time. Summer vacation is almost here, and I am contemplating removing difficult child from medications to see what happens. He has been on medications of some type for over the last 2-3 years. He has been doing quite well since Christmas. Now, the other side of me wants to...
  13. A

    What do you do when your child is raging?

    We have a very predictable Saturday morning pattern, and it starts with a massive rage by difficult child. He wakes up at the crack of dawn and starts demanding stuff of us - get up! feed me! take me fishing! now! etc. and when we don't do exactly what he says he goes into his screaming, crying...
  14. B

    need help

    Hi, I am the adopted mother of 2 boys aged 12 and 10. My 12 year old has bipolar and adhd. He is fighting and not during well in school. He walk through the house as if he is the boss and you better not say anything to him. He has been hospitalized several times for behavior issues. He...
  15. YoursMineAndOurs


    Its a long story but I will get straight to the point. My boyfriend's niece is a difficult child, she is 14 years old and has showed signs of being bi-polar since shes a young child. Her parents had her on a low dose of prozac and she seemed to be doing great. 4 years ago she was taken from the parents and placed...
  16. ShakespeareMamaX

    The 21 facts of (my) life...

    Whoooooooooo, Buddy! I haven't been here for a while! I missed you guys and, unfortunately, have to come back with a sack of problems. First, some good news... I got a promotion at my job! Hooray! Bad news...I may not be able to keep the position (or my job, for that matter) if my difficult child doesn't...
  17. W

    New Here.....Help!!!!!!!!!!ADHD/ODD

    My daughter is 14 ADD, not a lot of problems except disorganized, my 7 year old son is another story, he has been on Focalin XR15mg for about a year now, and school time has improved almost 100%(grades and behavior) BUT before and after school is a complete nightmare, he will not listen to...
  18. M

    BiPolar (BP), Abilify, TD, TrueHope

    So psychiatrist looked at difficult child's tongue and thinks that the little movements he sees around the edges may be tardive dyskinesia from Ablfy. Anyone has seen anything of the sorts? When he's stressed, tired, manic he starts moving his tongue about checking out missing teeth etc. Says can't stop. And I...
  19. W

    Seroquel and Abilify together?

    difficult child just turned 11 last week, and had a pretty stable 18 months since his five months stint in residential in 2007-2008. By stable I mean no physical violence towards people and no auditory hallucinations. We've had the usual impulsive behavior, food gorging/hoarding, lots of lying, and unless...
  20. T

    Lithium, Abilify, Geodon, Lamictal??? Thoughts please.

    Hi all, I've posted a bit in the past month about difficult child's latest mood cyclying...In the past 6 weeks, he has had two hypomanic periods and a lot of depression, with maybe two good days. We have switched from Trileptal to Depakote ER. Thus far, Depakote isn't working out so well. difficult child has been...