
  1. K

    My 5 year old has some issues!!!

    I have posted here before under help my 3 year old and then my 4 year old. We have been through so much since the last time I visited this site. We have since found out that he is borderline mentally retarded with an IQ of 70, Bipolar, reactive attachment disorder, sensory, visual and auditory...
  2. michiganmomma

    Does it ever get better???

    Hi all, I'm not new, but for the life of me I can't remember my old log in. I'm gonna just jump right in: Difficult Child (9) had a great week last week. He was well behaved at school and home. He had a very productive therapy session, he was wonderful. Friday, he saw on the calendar when Mother's Day is...
  3. F

    I posted here about a month ago about my ADHD/ODD difficult child We have visited our Behavioral pediatrician. three times since then. First time he wanted to try Intuniv. What is it about him and the Intuniv? He wanted our 6 year old...
  4. B

    Childhood bipolar disorder vs. Aspergers Syndrome

    This is such a good article comparing the two disorders, and they are so often mistaken for one another, that I thought I'd post it to the community. Our son, as most know, was misdiagnosed as having pediatric bipolar when he actually had high functioning autism. It's not uncommon for this to...
  5. crazymama30

    school problems, ADHD or Hypomanic?

    Alright ladies, help me out. difficult child started out the school year badly, very emotional about alot of things. We increased his Lamictal from 150mg to 200mg, and things got better. Now, he is sooo hyper. He is on the go, cannot sit still, cannot quit talking. But he is not defiant. If I ask him...
  6. TerryJ2

    Off to the psychiatrist to discuss new medication, plus ask about saliva test

    Poor difficult child has been through so much with-his medications--every allergy under the sun, and right now, on depakote, and he's as cranky as can be. I am so sick of this. Last night I went to a NAMI mtng, and there was a special speaker: a(n MD) psychiatrist who spoke about transcranial magnetic stimulation for...
  7. I

    Very Concerned

    Several months ago, after trying my 10 y.o. daughter (difficult child 1) on Prozac, it was a disaster. Her meltdowns, which were bad, got out of control at home and school. Took her off the Prozac and they didn't stop. Now after having her heavily medicated on Risperdal, Concerta and now Zoloft, she's...
  8. TiredSoul

    Day 15 on Intuniv - HELP PLEASE

    Today is day 15 on 1 mg Intuniv. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to 2 mg. Tonight difficult child is so completely out of control. He is belligerent, combative, quarrelsome, antagonistic, contentious!!! He is annoying everyone! He is in all of our faces. He is acting like a crazed maniac. Looking back...
  9. P

    Of Bipolar, Bedwetting and Stimulants

    OK, I have rasied this question with several Dr.s with no luck and so now I need to bring it to the experts - yes I know that I should have came here first :) When 'Junior' (my pre-sociopathic buddy) was placed on 5mg of Adderal (in addition to his Depakote and Seraquel for Bipolar) his...
  10. Big Bad Kitty

    medication question and Tink update

    SO, Tink now has a formal diagnosis of bipolar and ADHD. For a couple years, all prior to her first psychiatric hospital visit, she was on Abilify. DUring those years we have trialled Metadate (made her cry), Focalin (made her violent), Tenex (made her sleepy), Prozac (turned her into her own evil twin). She was on...
  11. P

    Let the Focalin begin...

    I spoke with difficult children' psychiatrist about starting him on a low dose of a stimulant (5mgs Focalin XR) to see if it might help with his bedwetting (primarily) and some attentional stuff (minor) and the doctor agreed - mom picked up the prescription today. Prior to, I had talked with both difficult child and his mom about the...
  12. R

    New to Boards...Need some advice

    my stepson will be 8 in July. He has been diagnosed ADHD for almost a year now and currently being tested for possible bipolar (his bio mom is bipolar) hes a great kid, very sweet and sensitive but there are times when i dont know what to do..far too many lately. ive noticed changes over the...
  13. T

    Questioning Diagnosis - VERY long

    My difficult child was diagnosed at 3 yrs old with ADHD. They put him on Adderall since he was very small for his age and that was the only thing that came in a small enough dose. It was VERY scary watching my 3 yr old "tripping". He acted like he was on a drug high! At 5 yrs old, he was finally big enough...
  14. C

    Hospital again

    My 11 years old aspie attacked his 17 years old sister and used a kitchen knife to damage dining table and threatened to stab himself. I called 911 and had them bring him to the hospital. After waiting 4 hours here, without even seeing the resident psychiatrist, thru the social worker, the...
  15. N

    Adderall and bruising?

    Is bruising a serious side effect when taking Adderall? My son has been on it about a month now and he has several bruises on his arms and legs. If someone didn't know me, they would think he was being abused which is FAR from the truth. His preschool said something to me about it and so did...
  16. F

    How do we all survive this?

    You would think that I would be used to a life like this by now after having been born to a difficult child mother (no contact with her for the past 16 yrs) and giving birth to a difficult child son 8 1/2 years ago. But no. I am not used to it since peace and tranquility happen to be the life style I personally...
  17. TerryJ2

    No more Depakote; difficult child is going back on lithium

    :crazy2:We saw the psychiatrist today. difficult child wants to go back on lithium. He has been having side effects from Depakote and has also been really nasty, so he figures if he's stuck with-side effects, at least he'll be in a good mood. More or less. His hands have been trembling, so it's hard to write; he gets...
  18. F

    My 8 year old is DIFFICULT and I am struggling and need support...

    I am new to this site, and I am happy to make my first post! It is late, so I will get right to the point. We have anxiety/depression/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (and possible bipolar and ADHD) that run on both sides of our family. I myself have moderate depression/anxiety that isn't being managed very well at this...
  19. V


    how do i join a group? Im new to all this and has no idea on where to start. thanks
  20. N


    My son's psychiatrist wants to put him on risperdal for his defiant behaviors and moods. I am really leary of this medication since it is an antipyschotic drug. It scares me. He is on Adderall right now. The Adderall is helping his ADHD symptoms, but his ODD is not being very well controlled...