Several months ago, after trying my 10 y.o. daughter (difficult child 1) on Prozac, it was a disaster. Her meltdowns, which were bad, got out of control at home and school. Took her off the Prozac and they didn't stop. Now after having her heavily medicated on Risperdal, Concerta and now Zoloft, she's doing a lot better *knock on wood - poo poo poo*. My 8 y.o. son (difficult child 2) had been doing fair on Intuniv and Concerta, but the anxiety and ODD were still not under control. So, we tried him on Zoloft and it was a disaster. Huge meltdowns got out of control. He had been able to keep it together at school before starting the Zoloft, but after the Zoloft was started, he's had 2 horrible weeks at home and school, and it has been a complete NIGHTMARE with-his meltdowns and out of control irrational behavior.
I completely stopped the Zoloft as of Monday (weaned him off - he had only been on the Zoloft a few weeks and most of the time had been a low dose). We are 5 days off the medication, and it's been just as hideous at home and school. How the heck long does it take for this **** to get out of his system? Can it permanently mess up your brain? My daughter did worse on Prozac (although she is doing well on the Zoloft, thank goodness), and the increased agitation continued for a month after until we started her on the Risperdal. I'm petrified the same thing is going to happen to my son - that he's going to stay at this horrible place even though he's off the medicine. Could it trigger something? The medicine should be out of his system by now, no? I'm devastated. I finally was starting to feel like maybe I could relax for 2 seconds with-o worrying what was going to happen next with-my daughter, and now this. I'm just crushed right now. And I'm not dealing with-it that great to be honest.