
  1. C

    How much more can we take? When will violence calm down? Nausa from Adderall xr

    I don't know if there is anything like that here, My friend in CT work with a compony who sends him to help with mainly kids, one adult with various issues, Autism, Depression etc, just to "spend time " with them. He is getting is Psychology degree. I know theres like Occupational Therapist (OT) who come but thats scheduled...
  2. Californiablonde

    CPS got called and I'm freaking out and need opinions.

    So last night I went to give difficult child her night time medications and her ulcer medication. My adderall and her main ulcer medication come in the exact same size big bottle and the capsules are both blue and very similar looking. By accident, instead of giving her the Prilosec, I gave her one of my adderalls. I...
  3. C

    Top psychiatrist but maybe not right one, or is it me?

    I am fried here too. Went with the clinician and difficult child 1 to the psychiatrist appointment. I am starting to feel is might be me? Cos I have two difficult child seeing him and constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY he keeps on telling me it's my mental health letting me see all these negative things and nothing positive. I...
  4. F

    New here- 7 y/o son with ADHD/ODD, tearing us apart.

    Good grief. My thanks to anyone willing to read this and give some input. I appreciate communicating with someone who has "walked the walk". My seven year old son is diagnosed ADHD/ ODD. Also have 10 y/0 daughter, and 5 y/o son, both without any psychological issues, however the behavior does...
  5. H

    another newbie---day tx now reccommended

    I posted last week as a complete newbie, and was so grateful for your responses. This week has continued the downward spiral, and we’re now looking at a day treatment program for anxiety/school refusal, with a potential opening by week’s end. I’m wondering how many of you have been down this...
  6. F

    Thoughts/Advice for medication

    It's been a while since I've been back here. We are at our wit's end with our eight year old son's behavior. He is currently on 200 mg. Seroquel, 10 mg. Lexapro, 30 mg. Metadate. His raging outbursts are far worse than ever. We have spent nine months at this psychiatric clinic, and it seems...
  7. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment

    Apparently there was some huge misunderstanding with the psychiatrist's office. I thought that I was supposed to go the first time alone, and then schedule difficult child. That didn't seem weird to me as that's how it's almost always been with every mental health professional she's seen. But, no. I get there...
  8. gcvmom

    Camp ends tomorrow -- good week overall!

    difficult child 2 had only one timeout today -- YAY! Again, for minor stuff. No violence, no inappropriate behavior with other kids. I think the Seroquel bump is working, but I'm not sure if this is truly enough yet. He's still a bit impulsive in the late afternoon now (at least we're getting a couple...
  9. K

    Son's girlfriend's friends don't like him

    difficult child has a girlfriend. She doesn't drink or do drugs or hang out with anyone who does (THATS a lot of pressure off him). She is really involved in her church. But her friends don't like him. Told her he is a jerk. I told him to prove them wrong. Be nice to all her friends, because they are...
  10. Stella

    difficult child refuses medications

    My difficult child had a complete melt down last night. Her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) seems to be getting worse. The meltdown last night was due to the fact that I lost one of her toys (her tamagochie). She asked for it before she went to bed and when i couldn't find it anywhere she became hysterical. This went on for about...
  11. TerryJ2

    PS2 at 3 a.m.

    Last night I checked on difficult child ... he wasn't in bed ... I woke up husband and asked where difficult child was ... turned out he was downstairs playing PS2, he leg hanging over the arm of the La-Z-Boy, a huge hunk of chocolate in his hand. The only reason I kept my voice down was because I was too tired to shout...
  12. G

    Trying to help 13 yr old son with- ADHD/Bipolar/ Anger

    Hello everyone!! I am new to this process, but I would love some input on what I'm dealing with. I have a 13 yr old son who was diagnosed ADHD when he was 5, then at age 7 he was also diagnosed with Bi-Polar. Things were going ok till about age 9, he changed drasticallly. He was admitted into...
  13. flutterby

    Ideas for helping difficult child 2 de-escalate

    difficult child 2 has been diagnosis'd with Bipolar II and ADHD. In my mind, the ADHD is in question because I don't think he's properly medicated - although he is better on his medications than without; just still not stable. His medications are Symbyax (sp?), trazadone for sleep, propranolol for tremors, and Adderall (the...
  14. A

    In over my head 12 y.o. son with ADHD, Bipolar, CD and ICD/Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)

    This is my first time posting. I don't even know how I got here. I know most people who come to this site are feeling hopeless, I hope to hear from someone who has had any kind of success with their child. I am a stay at home mom with 4 children. My oldest is out of control. He has been in therapy with and...
  15. robinm1922

    Wellbutrin question

    Hello, difficult child medications were changed two weeks ago. She was diagnosis with depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) tendencies along with AD/HD. She is on Clexa 30 mg now and psychiatrist added 100 mg Wellbutrin 2xs a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. She has been on just under two weeks. I haven't seen too much...
  16. YoursMineAndOurs


    Its a long story but I will get straight to the point. My boyfriend's niece is a difficult child, she is 14 years old and has showed signs of being bi-polar since shes a young child. Her parents had her on a low dose of prozac and she seemed to be doing great. 4 years ago she was taken from the parents and placed...
  17. K

    New to forum

    Hello All, My son is almost 15 with the diagnosis schizo affective disorder sub type BiPolar (BP), asperbergers, and conduct disorder. My son has just completed 9 hours of nueropsych testing over 3 days by his psychologist with results this Wednesday. My son has an IEP in place and is failing Special Education but will...
  18. 2


    Tomorrow we head to the psychiatrist. W is going to be evaluated and we are going to talk about L's medications. When we upped L's medications, they had said that we can take them up 1mg yet or possibly change to Abilify. Anyone have any experience with Abilify?
  19. M

    from Abilify to Trileptal, was dystonia

    So we are trying to wean him off of Abilify and transfer him to Trileptal and Trileptal doesn't seem to be working quite as well. His dystonia is down by a lot, but his mania is higher and I don't think it's too long before he assaults someone or melts down in school. Tried for the first time...
  20. M

    BiPolar (BP), Abilify, TD, TrueHope

    So psychiatrist looked at difficult child's tongue and thinks that the little movements he sees around the edges may be tardive dyskinesia from Ablfy. Anyone has seen anything of the sorts? When he's stressed, tired, manic he starts moving his tongue about checking out missing teeth etc. Says can't stop. And I...