
  1. crazymama30

    We both need sleep

    difficult child is doing well since he got home, except in one area. He is having a really hard time falling asleep. Melatonin used to help, but is not touching it now. This kid had never had problems sleeping, he would go to bed between 8 and 9 on his own and fall asleep. Now? The first night home...
  2. jannie

    now adding Lexapro??

    difficult child 1 has been doing ok, but he is still getting frustrated on a regular basis. He generally holds it together in school, but the second he walks in the door he's frustrated...At school he's doing ok, but is still stuggling with some reading issues...he has not yet qualified for an iep... He's...
  3. J

    medications & Cholesterol

    Ok, I'm a little annoyed with the psychiatric office (even though I love this guy) for not calling me sooner with these results. He told me when they got the blood work he'd call if he had concerns, otherwise we'd talk at our next appointment (which was today). So, today he hands me the paper and...
  4. JKF

    The Trileptal is working!

    easy child/difficult child has been on Trileptal for 3 weeks now bc the psychiatrist suspects he has a mood disorder and not ADHD. Everyone around him can see a clear difference in his demeanor lately since he started this medication. He seems.....happy. And he isn't arguing back nearly as much as he was. The focus and...
  5. M

    Risperidone (generic) Lamictal? Nadolol? difficult child is aggressive

    difficult child (13) extreme ODD, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/add, has been taking Abilify & Tenex for a very long time. Before Abilify, it was Risperdal. They both work about the same for him. I'm thinking about going with the generic Risperidone soon. Does the generic work about the same? New psychiatrist is talking about adding...
  6. scaredofhim

    Haven't been here in a while, an update

    Things continue to be about the same with SS. He acts slightly better at our home every other weekend than he does at his bio mom's, and there is a social worker coming to her home and working with SS a few times a week. It really hasn't made any difference. He has missed 8 days of school...
  7. crazymama30

    He's lying

    That is what difficult child son was yelling at me as a very angry, wet (from the hot tub) came storming down the street. Then difficult child goes to a bush and throws something in it. Apparently difficult child had a lighter and was trying to light the bushes in the mans yard on fire! That was after he ran through the man's...
  8. C

    difficult child 2 on Vyvanse???

    Does anyone know anything about this drug? Our 5 year old is on it and abilify. Nothing seems to help him and his impulsiveness. He throws fits about everything and litterly throws everything. Our easy child gets the brunt of it, hitting bitting and kicking from our difficult child 2. I need some...
  9. crazymama30

    visit with new psychiatrist update

    Went really well. She is very thorough.....while we like old psychiatrist, he was not nearly this thorough. She asked difficult child many questions and he seemed to do really well. He lost his temper a little bit, which was good as she got to see a tiny glimpse of what we deal with at home. She cracked me...
  10. JJJ

    Need medication suggestion

    I need some medication suggestions that treat depression and anxiety in a teen girl who suffers from hallucinations. diagnosis: schitzoaffective, PTSD, attachment disorder, borderline mentally retarded, emerging personality disorder current medications: Vyvanse, Abilify, Thorazine I know you are not doctors, I am...
  11. crazymama30

    concerned about difficult child

    I talked to difficult child on the phone tonight. He actually was more talkative than he has been before, so that was good. He cleared his throat non stop. I asked him if he was getting a cold, and he said no he was homesick. So maybe he was trying not to cry? Or is it a tic? He has always had a...
  12. crazymama30

    Input on medications

    So difficult child currently takes 5mg abilify and 50mg vyvanxe in the morning, and 10mg abilify, 250mg Lamictal and 7.5mg melatonin as needed at night. We also give him 2mg abilify as needed when he gets out of control, but sometimes that is not cutting it. I have seen more acting out lately, more...
  13. Merfille

    Hi - for the second time but with new info.

    Good morning. I posted a hello last week, but other than replying to that, have been kind of in a whirlwind. I think I am more in a "taking" state right now with this forum than a "giving" one right now - everything is so new and we are trying to catch up quickly with all the information we...
  14. J

    feelings of being watched?

    So my son has never liked to be left alone in a room. I'm talking I can't even shower without him sitting on the rug.....for the last seven years. So of course over the years I've asked why he doesn't like to be alone, he "doesn't know" or "just doesn't" or "i just like being near you". Well...
  15. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  16. T

    Bipolar and ADHD medication Combos

    :confused1: The rollercoaster ride continues! My son was diagnosed with bipolar and ADHD last December. We've been through the ringer (like everyone else here!) over the last couple of years of middle school with his impulsive ODD behavior and mood swings, angry outbursts, poor choices...
  17. J

    Geodon & Weight Gain - does severe weight gain trump a great medication?

    Hi all, I haven't been around in a long time, things have been going so wonderfully for my ds! He is happy, he is not showing ADHD symptoms, no meltdowns/rages/anger issues in months. I mean, I'd call us "normal" right now LOL The only problem is that since starting on Geodon, he has been...
  18. JJJ

    "Kill them" he urged her

    At Kanga's psychiatrist appointment, she shared that her voices were encouraging her to kill us all during her family visit this weekend. Lovely. The nurse and I both praised her for not listening to the voices and not killing anyone. We both then started laughing because it was just so ABSURD. Praise...
  19. F

    Worn out looking for answers

    I started writing this post while sitting in Alex's (not his real name) bedroom, waiting for him to finally fall asleep. He would have been happy to go to be alone, since I later found my smartphone once again hidden under clothes in his closet. But in the last week, he has broken one of his...
  20. llamafarm

    Incentives or Bribery?

    Question. How far have you all gone to get the behaviors that you need? I need him to stop hitting me and kicking me. His most natural response to most requests or comments that I have is to come to me and hit me or act like he is about to. He has a psychiatrist, a counselor, medications., been on...