New Member
Brace yourself this is a long winded story... please excuse my spelling as well... i am trying to do this quickly.
Good morning,
I have been on this forum a few times, mostly to vent or to get advice, i find myself here as i am in need of both this time. it has been a VERY long month for my family, and with the holidays coming up i find myself not even interested...
We have almost 10 year old twins (boy/girl) and a 5 year old son. My oldest son has been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder/ ADHD.
the twin were born 10 week preemie, they stayed in hospital for 10 long weeks, until they were strong enough to come home.
He has always been a demanding child, but i started to notice, behavorial issues at about age 4, went to a "behavioral doctor" then who and i quote said "boys will be boys" I hate that saying and preseued other doctors.
We finally found one that was wiling to help, but didnt seem too interested in actually finding the root of the problem, just throw some medications at it and no follow ups were nessessary. He has been on Risperidone, Adderal, Concerta, Vyvance, Bifenton, Abilify, Strattera, and now Chonidone.
He had minimal ussues at school until age 6 (grade 1) When he got his very first suspension. He got a few that year, and a few in Grade 2, Then the real fun began....
Grade 3, he was suspended over 10 times, usually for short periods of time becuase they knew if it was a long period of time that he would just keep getting suspended to continue his holiday. At the end of Grade 3 we moved and he needed to change schools...
In July he was hospialized on a childrens ward and properly diagnosed (because the doctor hasnt actually ever given him a diagnoses)
The diagnoses was Conduct Disorder and ADHD. When we went back to our doctor, she was not impressed that he had been admitted into hospital and in not so many words said that there was nothing more that she could do for him, we should go back to the doctor that refered him to her and find a new doctor. so the Presute began all over again...
New School:
Day 1 - First month
Went into the office to let them know that my son was a frequent Flier at the office and to please call the old prinicpal to be well informed of things that they might see. I advised that they should have a plan in place in case of any behaviours that they might see.
they took this warning lightly. They did nothing, For the first month we looked at school as a "Honey moon" period. The teacher, and staff had nothing bad to say about him, he was completing work, being polite, not melting down, i was starting to believe that he was turning a corner... NOT SO FAST!
First week of October - 3 day suspension, for an outburst and leaving the classroom
Third week of October - 5 day Suspension for a violent outburst, distroying the Schools office. (police presence, they were there on another call)
1st day back after 5 day suspension - 10 day suspension for distroying the library, police were called and i was called, I redirected the situation and got him to calm down.
1st day back from 10 day suspension - 20 day suspension pending expellsion - mild outburst, left the classroom, bite me, was restained by a EA and Police were called, while transitioning from the EA restraint to police restraint the EA got kicked in the head. this is why it is pending expellsion. he was then transported to the hospital to defuse.
back to the school, they have suggested a behavioural program for him, and if that doesnt work they are out of options, and suggest we look at resdiential care...I dont feel that we are there yet, we havent tried anything...thats suppose to be a last resort.
family Doctor put him on Dexidern
Explosions when challenged
suspended from after school program for an outburst
not sleeping - night terrors, and halloinations
fighting with siblings more then ususal
can't travel to other family members houses because he cant seem to handle it.
so needless to say this has been a downward sprial, i have a in house worker, that comes once a week, i waited over a year for her to come to our house. since she has started to come, he has been in crisis, so nothing has really been put into place as of yet.
Meanwhile of all of these suspensions, i found a new doctor and after waiting over a month for the appointment, I had it yesterday, His medication was adjusted,
He is now back on Risperidone (1 mg) and Cholnidone (0.10 mg), three times a day
HE SLEPT LAST Night!!!!!!!
So from what i can see, the next steps are to do some damage control, and try to get him into this program. and hopefully the medications will take some effect so we can reason with him even if its just a little bit.
There are so many things that are missing, in this situatuion... Can any of you tell me what else i need to do to try and help my child and my other children who are also suffering, overly frusterated parents who have no idea what to do now...
Also have any of you had experience with these two medications together? The medication was given to him at 7am and he has been sleeping according to my day care provider... i have asked that she wake him every once and a while to make she he wakes easily.
Good morning,
I have been on this forum a few times, mostly to vent or to get advice, i find myself here as i am in need of both this time. it has been a VERY long month for my family, and with the holidays coming up i find myself not even interested...
We have almost 10 year old twins (boy/girl) and a 5 year old son. My oldest son has been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder/ ADHD.
the twin were born 10 week preemie, they stayed in hospital for 10 long weeks, until they were strong enough to come home.
He has always been a demanding child, but i started to notice, behavorial issues at about age 4, went to a "behavioral doctor" then who and i quote said "boys will be boys" I hate that saying and preseued other doctors.
We finally found one that was wiling to help, but didnt seem too interested in actually finding the root of the problem, just throw some medications at it and no follow ups were nessessary. He has been on Risperidone, Adderal, Concerta, Vyvance, Bifenton, Abilify, Strattera, and now Chonidone.
He had minimal ussues at school until age 6 (grade 1) When he got his very first suspension. He got a few that year, and a few in Grade 2, Then the real fun began....
Grade 3, he was suspended over 10 times, usually for short periods of time becuase they knew if it was a long period of time that he would just keep getting suspended to continue his holiday. At the end of Grade 3 we moved and he needed to change schools...
In July he was hospialized on a childrens ward and properly diagnosed (because the doctor hasnt actually ever given him a diagnoses)
The diagnoses was Conduct Disorder and ADHD. When we went back to our doctor, she was not impressed that he had been admitted into hospital and in not so many words said that there was nothing more that she could do for him, we should go back to the doctor that refered him to her and find a new doctor. so the Presute began all over again...
New School:
Day 1 - First month
Went into the office to let them know that my son was a frequent Flier at the office and to please call the old prinicpal to be well informed of things that they might see. I advised that they should have a plan in place in case of any behaviours that they might see.
they took this warning lightly. They did nothing, For the first month we looked at school as a "Honey moon" period. The teacher, and staff had nothing bad to say about him, he was completing work, being polite, not melting down, i was starting to believe that he was turning a corner... NOT SO FAST!
First week of October - 3 day suspension, for an outburst and leaving the classroom
Third week of October - 5 day Suspension for a violent outburst, distroying the Schools office. (police presence, they were there on another call)
1st day back after 5 day suspension - 10 day suspension for distroying the library, police were called and i was called, I redirected the situation and got him to calm down.
1st day back from 10 day suspension - 20 day suspension pending expellsion - mild outburst, left the classroom, bite me, was restained by a EA and Police were called, while transitioning from the EA restraint to police restraint the EA got kicked in the head. this is why it is pending expellsion. he was then transported to the hospital to defuse.
back to the school, they have suggested a behavioural program for him, and if that doesnt work they are out of options, and suggest we look at resdiential care...I dont feel that we are there yet, we havent tried anything...thats suppose to be a last resort.
family Doctor put him on Dexidern
Explosions when challenged
suspended from after school program for an outburst
not sleeping - night terrors, and halloinations
fighting with siblings more then ususal
can't travel to other family members houses because he cant seem to handle it.
so needless to say this has been a downward sprial, i have a in house worker, that comes once a week, i waited over a year for her to come to our house. since she has started to come, he has been in crisis, so nothing has really been put into place as of yet.
Meanwhile of all of these suspensions, i found a new doctor and after waiting over a month for the appointment, I had it yesterday, His medication was adjusted,
He is now back on Risperidone (1 mg) and Cholnidone (0.10 mg), three times a day
HE SLEPT LAST Night!!!!!!!
So from what i can see, the next steps are to do some damage control, and try to get him into this program. and hopefully the medications will take some effect so we can reason with him even if its just a little bit.
There are so many things that are missing, in this situatuion... Can any of you tell me what else i need to do to try and help my child and my other children who are also suffering, overly frusterated parents who have no idea what to do now...
Also have any of you had experience with these two medications together? The medication was given to him at 7am and he has been sleeping according to my day care provider... i have asked that she wake him every once and a while to make she he wakes easily.