New Member
Hello moms.
So i just came accross this site looking on the web for advice about my daughter.
Let me explain.
Im 28 i have an eight year old daughter only child for now im 6 months pregnant with a boy. .shes not to happy. My daughter is diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. When she was younger eveyone said oh she gets that attitude from you but not knowing how extreme she really was at home.
Anyways. I have so many questions.
I had to make an account when i saw another mom post about her struggle with an ODD child and i seen the great support back. I feel no one understands or gets it. . They just ask why i cant make my kid listen. Ugh .
So that brings me to my first question.. **Any of you have a child with Adhd Odd and married or with someone thats not the father.? Do they understand? I cant get my husband to understand at all. Hes aleays so frustrated .. That and i cant keep a baby sitter not even my mom will watch her. Shes very smart and so on top of difiant she gets to people in a way that she should be to young to act like .. But my husband just cant get how at 8 she wont listen she is so rude and i get its hard being the step parent. But can i fix that relationship?
Next question, today i was google searching for ways to get my daughter to open up and different coping skills i can teach her.. Basically she wont talk to anyone not even a coucilor gets anywhere with her but she does talk to me. But i want to make the most of it so i set up 1 day a week where we go mom daughter time we do something fun in exchange she has to open up to me. She gets really upset and angry about things and stresses alot like more then me and at only age 8. **So what kind of things can i talk to her about or questions i can ask to make the most of this time and that will help her? When she does open up how can i get her to not stress? Or she says she cant control her anger and she cant be happy.. How do i fix tgat?
Poor girl. Ugh ..
Okay thabks for reading i think ill leave it at that for now. Thank you for any advice. All is accepted no offense will be taken. I just need some honest imput.
So i just came accross this site looking on the web for advice about my daughter.
Let me explain.
Im 28 i have an eight year old daughter only child for now im 6 months pregnant with a boy. .shes not to happy. My daughter is diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. When she was younger eveyone said oh she gets that attitude from you but not knowing how extreme she really was at home.
Anyways. I have so many questions.
I had to make an account when i saw another mom post about her struggle with an ODD child and i seen the great support back. I feel no one understands or gets it. . They just ask why i cant make my kid listen. Ugh .
So that brings me to my first question.. **Any of you have a child with Adhd Odd and married or with someone thats not the father.? Do they understand? I cant get my husband to understand at all. Hes aleays so frustrated .. That and i cant keep a baby sitter not even my mom will watch her. Shes very smart and so on top of difiant she gets to people in a way that she should be to young to act like .. But my husband just cant get how at 8 she wont listen she is so rude and i get its hard being the step parent. But can i fix that relationship?
Next question, today i was google searching for ways to get my daughter to open up and different coping skills i can teach her.. Basically she wont talk to anyone not even a coucilor gets anywhere with her but she does talk to me. But i want to make the most of it so i set up 1 day a week where we go mom daughter time we do something fun in exchange she has to open up to me. She gets really upset and angry about things and stresses alot like more then me and at only age 8. **So what kind of things can i talk to her about or questions i can ask to make the most of this time and that will help her? When she does open up how can i get her to not stress? Or she says she cant control her anger and she cant be happy.. How do i fix tgat?
Poor girl. Ugh ..
Okay thabks for reading i think ill leave it at that for now. Thank you for any advice. All is accepted no offense will be taken. I just need some honest imput.