Good Morning Saturday from...


Well-Known Member
snowy New York state. :smile: We even went sledding last night. :smile:
Duckie backslid a little into the difficult child column last night (not a biggie, but some unusual behavior :crazy:). husband and I were getting ready for bed at 11 o'clock when she comes out of her room yelling "It's my birthday! It's my birthday!" :rofl:. We explained it was only Mommy & Daddy's bed time and off she went back to bed. Then, she was eerily standing at Daddy's bedside at midnight whispering "Is it time yet?" I'm not sure if she actually slept last night. :smile: She'll be taking a nap after breakfast as we're supposed to go to dinner early this evening. What's weird is that I think her sleeplessness may have been caused by the type of Benadryl she took last night. :wildone: She had been taken the dye-free elixir prior to this, but we tried the melt-away tabs last night. Plus, she was just plain old excited about her birthday. :hammer:
So anyway, that's where we are at this fine morning. And how are you? :smile: *


Well-Known Member
Good Saturday Morning :smile:

Ok, I'm officially jealous of the snow :smile: I asked Sharon to send me some yesterday but you got it instead!!!

:grin: Happy B-day to Duckie :grin: Hope she can maintain for the long, special day.

Nice relaxing day today. My house is clean, my laundry is done, the groceries are got, and there are no errands looming over me. I get to do whatever the heck I want today!

Wishing everyone a great Saturday - find the time to slow down.



Active Member
Happy birthday Duckie!

Enjoy the snow, TM.

And Sharon, you sound so virtuous about the domestic accomplishments - enjoy your time.

As predicted, the heatwave continues. And today's rehearsal with the extra lights and electrical equipment didn't help. They'd brought in a portable industrial air conditioner which did little more than rearrange the air for a few square feet - a fan would have worked better. But the kids looked great in their costumes. They all did so well that they finished early, so we spent two hours in our local mall waiting for easy child 2/difficult child 2's boyfriend to finish work so we could drive him home. Then, right on 6.30 pm, we took ourselves to the beach for a very welcome swim. I only waded though, I'm still feeling a bit off-colour, especially after a hectic, hot day. What got us through the day - I'd put some drink bottles of water in the freezer the night before. I feel like I'm living on iced water at the moment.

The film - rehearsals are over, two days of filming coming up, Wednesday & Thursday. A busy week for us, beginning tomorrow (now? it's just after midnight here, it's Sunday already). Wedding anniversary Sunday, husband's birthday Monday, pediatrician Mon or Tues (check diary), filming Wed & Thurs, difficult child 3's b'day (and Australia's) Friday, then just over a week later, difficult child 1's b'day. Just in time for Chinese New Year!

I'd better go get some sleep, husband & I are hoping to hit the tallest restaurant in Sydney for a buffet Sunday lunch. Just the two of us, celebrating 29 years. Crikey, where did it all go?


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning all,

TM, excitement over bdays, holidays & such make me crazy. At 12 the tweedles still cannot sleep the night before. Hope Duckie has a wonderful nap this morning. Naps - my favorite hobby! LOL

Sharon, enjoy your day - I'm actually jealous. I like days of everything done & relaxation looming ahead.

Marg, sounds like a week of celebrations for you & yours. Enjoy!

I'm moving about slowly this morning - really have to get moving. husband & kt are having a morning alone while I head out to visit wm with our dog. I haven't seen wm in a couple of weeks & am itching to see his smiling & glassless (lost his glasses again) face.

Enjoy your day all.


Former desparate mom
Good Morning my friends. It's a wet and rainy day in Texas. Hopefully, our northern neighbors of Oklahoma weren't hit too hard with ice and snow.
TM, stay warm :smile: Enjoy the snow. Happy Birthday Duckie.
LDM, it's nice to know you are set for a day of relaxation or...... you can start on my house.
Marguerite, it's pretty much beyond my comprehension to live with no heat or ac. It's just hard to imagine in the winter. Stay cool.

Linda, enjoy your morning with wm and puppy.

easy child is at play practice. I'll be glad when it's over next week. Ugh. It takes up way too much time.

difficult child took his friend from NY to what husband and I call "difficult child's mecca". It's the Ripley Believe It or Not Museum. They seem self sufficient and have no need for mom or dad. Works for me. LOL. :smile:

It's a day of indoor chores and errands but tonight we are meeting another couple for dinner. Yay! I get to wear big girl clothes and pretend I'm a grown up.

Have a good day. :smile:

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning All,

This is actually my second attempt to do the morning thread. My network went down and lost all I had typed!

TM-I hope Duckie has a great birthday and somehow manages to squeeze in a nap. :princess:

Sharon-Sorry you didn't get the snow I tried to send :smile: We're getting another 4 inches tomorrow :smile:

Marguerite-Enjoy the busy week of celebrations. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Linda-Enjoy your visit with wm. I always hope difficult child won't need glasses. I'm sure they would be lost or broken all of the time!

Fran-Sounds like everyone at the Fran household is busy. The museum sounds cool. Enjoy dinner out!

It's very cold here this morning :smile:Zero is the official temperature. I didn't work this morning but did sneak in to weigh in. husband is off with easy child at a meeting for her scholarship program and my niece is doing something to my hair this morning-she needs to do demos for her new place of employment. sister in law will watch difficult child while I'm there!

Tonight sister in law, brother in law, and niece are coming for dinner and then we're hoping to see Dreamgirls since we didn't see it last week.

I hope everyone enjoys a fun-filled Saturday. Hi to anyone who snuck in. :smile: