Haven't heard this one. They really could be anywhere. Our boys haven't had much fun this season as fires are still going in Victoria and Tasmania. They've even had some unseasonal snow falls on some of those fires and it didn't put them out. They've been contained for some time, though. They just can't get to them to put them out - too big an area. It's only forest burning for now, though. Not much left to burn there, now.
Our local firefighters have training days (usually on the weekend, because they all have "real" jobs) and they get to do some fun stuff on those days, as well as practice runs and backburning (not this time of the year, though). Our local MP (equivalent of your congressman) is in our bushfire brigade - I think he's the current captain. And one of his executive staff is a former captain and still a very active member of the brigade. There's nothing like rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty...
I'll look around for those games.