I Am Getting Married......Help


New Member
Hi Family:

SO and I have a date....September 2, 2007.
This is Labor day Weekend. I am trying to decide what to wear.
I am leaning toward a more Fall type color and dress....yet it is still technically Summer......I want a non-traditional wedding dress.....(for a third marraige) :smile:
It will be a small family only event.
Any ideas re: dress, colors, etc. are being accepted...

Thank You,


New Member
First of all, Melissa - CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming wedding!

I always wanted an autumn wedding. I could picture everyone in the dark leaf colors - green, mustard, brown, etc. We ended up getting married quickly by a Judge in March because my Dad was very ill. We got married in my parent's living room.

I can tell you that no matter what you wear or where you actually get married, it "sticks" and we've been happy now (for the majority of the time - lol) for 12 years.

Have fun planning the day.

PS: I love chocolate brown as a dress color. It looks nice if you have a tan or not.

Good luck!


(the future) MRS. GERE
That's wonderful, Melissa! Congratulations!

What colors look good on you?

I say to heck with what season it is, your groom's eyes will be focused on you so go for a dress that make you look and feel SPECTACULAR....starting with the color. If you want to tie it in to the season, you can do it with accessories, flowers, and decorations.

Suz :smile:


Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>Best wishes M. I'm happy for you. You are such a cute little thing that you could get away with just about anything except big and pouffy.
Look in some of the Bride magazines. There are a lot of nontraditional wedding outfits that are classy and beautiful. It would give you some ideas. A tailored suit would certainly look classy on you but if you want something more romantic there are gorgeous off the shoulder type dresses that aren't too "prom" looking.
Are you planning to have the wedding in a church or some more formal type place or at the Justice of the Peace?</span>

Hi! Congratulations!!!!! Wow, what exciting news and a wonderful way to start my day reading this post!!!

Have you seen Father of the Bride 1? The Ivory colored "suit" Diane Keaton wears is absolutely gorgeous. I am going to try finding something like this or at least a dress with a jacket for my easy child 2's wedding. I need to cover up some areas that are a bit flabby!! The jacket will be perfect for me.

Anyways, weddingchannel.com or something like that has tons of ideas for dresses, as does Ebay!!!

Hugs of congrats!

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
:smile: Congrats!

I was married the first time in mid-septemeber; beautiful time to be married!

The 2nd time I was married in early August, very very hot and humid, but still wonderful!

Best of luck for a glorious celebration!


Well-Known Member
I'm happy for you, Melissa. What color does SO like? What color
looks best on you? Where's it going to be?

I should change my name from DDD to QQQ for questions questions
questions...lol. DDD


New Member
Congratulations Melissa! I see from Fran's post that you are petite. I guess I would need to know what colors you look good in before I could make any suggestions. -RM


Well-Known Member
Depending what colors look good on you, a simple dress in a pastel color would probably do just fine. You can probably find many suitable dresses in the bridal shops or in the department stores, now, for the summer. My sis got married in September on the hottest day of the year. It could go either way...cool or hot. Make sure you find a matching wrap or sweater, just in case it is cool.


New Member
Where would you like to be married, and how would you like that to feel?

That is how I would decide what I wanted to wear.

Is there any way you and your husband could be married on a cruise ship or in some other setting you both would enjoy?

A beach somewhere, maybe?

Maybe in an apple orchard? Apples will be full and red and scenting the air perfectly during early September. You could have lots of candles, and rent a horse and carriage. The leaves will be turning then in your part of the country, won't they? And the sky will be that beautiful, clear blue

It doesn't have to cost alot of money to be memorable.

Once I had that idea forming, I would visit the priciest bridal shops I knew of, just to explore and to see what I would see.

You may choose one of their dresses ~ but then again, you might be able to dupllicate the feeling for far less money.

Or perhaps you would find something on sale ~ you never know.

One of the most memorable wedding receptions I ever attended was held in a small town community center. The cake was a carrot cake (symbolizing all good, healthy things from the earth), and...when I asked whether I could help with anything?

I was given a smoked fish to peel.

You believe it?!?

And I did it, too.





Well-Known Member
Congrats M!!! I would say an off white pretty suit would be great. It keeps the tradition, but slightly less formal.


Active Member
Congratulations Melissa! How wonderful....a wedding!

Now's the time to start looking. Find something pretty and the color that looks good on you and build from that.

I can't stop smiling :smile:

saving grace

New Member
thank you

Congratulations! You deserve this happiness girlfriend!

I got married in September its a glorious month to get married. I got married outside on the first tee of a golf course, it had all natural landscaping of beautiful fall flowers, yellows, oranges and burgandy.

A cream colored dress or suit would be beautiful, you could bring the Fall into the event with the flowers you use both in a bouquet and in arrangements, Mums are in full bloom at that time they are simple and natural. Gerbera Daisys are nice too. Roses can be just about any color you want them to be and they are classic.

For decorations you could use ivy vines with fall leaves for color, candles, lots of them will make it very intimate.

Oh boy I could go on and on.

My invitations had leaves on them, napkins had leaves it was gorgeous!



Active Member
Congratulations! For a third wedding you can wear whatever you choose. easy child has said that when she gets married she wants to wear bright red. It's a colour that looks good on anyone, too. My nephew's bride wore bright red when they married a few years ago. The wedding was held at his mother's farm/B & B, the bride wore hiking boots under the dress because they were climbing to the top of a rock to have the ceremony - that way we could all see them. Almost like "Priscilla".

Our wedding was midsummer Sydney and I made my own wedding dress - a bit Scarlett O'Hara-ish in design but made of cotton broderie anglaise. But, like an idiot, I put long sleeves on it and the day was close to 100F (before Australia went metric). easy child 2/difficult child 2 likes to wear my wedding dress around the house. She likes it so much that she made her own version of it in various shades of green patchwork cotton. But hers has short sleeves!

I like something that I can wear again, something I can throw in the washing machine and then hang on the line.

Because that, for me, is what marriage is about - it's living practically, from day to day, making do and doing the best you can with what you've got but as a team.

Works for us! 29 years this year!



Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>I like the colors of platinum and champagne for a classy look. (like the colors of a Lexus) :thumb: Think grand. LOL. </span>


New Member
Actually Fran, my SO looks stunning is silver and grey. We were thinking maybe a brushed grey for him and a platinum or silverish dress for me, I don't want gaudy...so this has been a challenge.
Congrats Marg on 29 years. :smile:
Thank you all for the good wishes and suggestions.
I like the idea of incorporating leaves into the decorations.
We are having a traditional religious ceremony in a chapel. SO has never married with-in his religion and would very much like to do so. Turns out, we are of the same faith. :bravo:
Then we are having a small dinner at a great restaurant and staying at a nice hotel on the wedding night.....with most of his family in tow.... :smile:
I'll keep you guys posted on what I end up getting....Thanks!



New Member
Congratulations! I love the grey and silver/platinum idea! Outside would be a nice setting. husband and I got married (2nd weding for us both) in our living room with just our Mom's, my son and the minister in attendance. husband made some beautiful tables for us, so the sofa table with candles and roses was our "altar". husband works for a truck line and one of their full time drivers is also a minister, so he performed the ceremony-his first. I was really nice.

You have much time to plan--I am sure you will settle on something wonderful. My this marriage be as happy as mine is. I am married to my soul-mate, the man of my dreams, who I met in 1980 when I was dating my DEX. Had I known his potential and that he had a crush on me, who knows what could have happened?

I am so happy for you!