Really not sure where to begin without completely boring all of you. I stumbled on to this site while trying to figure out why our 13 y o was becoming worse to discipline, talk to, be in the same room with, etc. I am in desperate need of advice, maybe even comfort from other parents/moms who live with this type of behavior on a daily basis. I have found that if one is not surrounded by an emotionally/mentally ill child there is absolutely no compassion for either the mom or the child (adolescent). So here I am looking for help, or maybe even a boot in the out of here telling me that there is nothing wrong with Makala and I need to merely tighten the reigns. Her favorite game is conquer and divide she wins a gold medal EVERY time she plays, sometimes we think manipulation is her middle name.
Some of her negative characteristics are as follows: nail biting (both hands and feet), chews on EVERTYHING (paper, pencils, pens and pen tops, Nintendo stylus pens, staples, paperclips, to name a few) knuckle cracking (all the time) more so when we are conversing with her ~she knows it annoys the heck out of me~ deliberately does things she knows are unacceptable, then lies about them, annoys the heck out of her sisters starts arguments with them, she will walk by them and kick at them or skims the top of their heads, taps the 4 y os head, will throw her unwanted things (whatever they may be) into the 9y os room, disrespectful of her things and ours, homework will not get finished until she is ready to finish it or until I stop EVERYTHING I am doing and sit with her (most of the time up to 2 hours) and walk her through the material step by step, by now everyone is in an uproar cause mom is preoccupied, will sit down at the supper table and announce this is disgusting, people in jail eat better than this! Extremely non empathetic, one questions we ask her often is Makala if I were to do that to you how would that make you feel? or how would you feel if someone says that to you? 90% of the time she will not, cannot, or just blatantly refuse to answer! Oh, one of her ultimate answers is dont know, dont care!!
A little bit, not much, background ~~ I will answer ANY questions and fill in any blanks if and or when asked. Makala is an intelligent, big hearted, adventurous, clever, not so ordinary 13 year old adolescent. Her biological father and I separated, after close to one year of bi-monthly counseling, before she was 1. He packed up and moved to Arizona, we live in Indiana. I remarried a long lost sweet heart (Tony), a man I had been a platonic friend with all through high school. Makala was 18 months when we started dating and 3 when we married. From the time she was infant she and my dad had an inseparable bond, she was basically the 1st born (I do have a 22 year old daughter ~ Christa ~ who I placed for adoption in 1984, we were reunited in Nov. of 2004). We lost him to cancer at age 57, only 5 years ago. I am sure that by now you may see a possible abandonment problem.
My dad was an insightful, intelligent, understanding man, a Hero if you will He used to say her (Makala) imagination is, out of this world, send her to Hollywood, her drama is outstanding, she is gonna give you all the troubles you gave your mom and I. Well let me tell you I NEVER imagined he would be right (again) or that he would leave me to pick up the pieces over and over and over again.
Makalas Pediatrician has given the diagnosis of bi-polar/depression/ADD ~ however he goes on to say that there is such a fine line between bi-polar and ODD we will monitor, could be either or maybe both. She has been on a variety of medications as well as a combination of them, some are as follows: depakote, ambilify, concerta, wellbutrin, to name a few that come to mind with out looking them up. She is now on trileptal 1200 mg., celexa 40 mg., and adderall 25mg. Often times she opts not to take her medications, says they, do not help, my friends say I do not need them, I do not care how I feel or what I do
Moving on ~ we have seen behavioral challenges with Mak for 10 years now. We have been to 4 different counselors; the last one telling us that she was not qualified enough to work with Mak any further. She gave us a paper with referrals on it.
We went to see a new childs psychiatric yesterday Tuesday the 8th we were in the office for close to 2 hours, literally. She was able to put on her perfect charm at first, then we switched to the poor me, if mom and dad would understand I am just a teenager they would not be so mean to me. After some talking we went to the I am such a bad kid, my mom and dad are good parents and they should not have such a bad kid song and dance. The dr. left the room came back in told me, Childrens Hospital has one of the best psychiatric wards and they will be waiting for you, can you be there in an hour? Oh my goodness, I could not believe what was going on. Needless to say, I told him that had been considered, but was my ABSOLUTE last choice. He gave me 3 different phone numbers, a new medication, geodon, and 2 other appointments this week, 1 tomorrow with the adolescent therapist and 1 Friday with him.
I will stop here and hope that I have not completely bored ALL of you who took the time to read this and pray some of you may be able to help me help my family as well as understand Makala.
PS~I would like some help on the acronyms in the forum(s)
Thanks for reading (listening)
Some of her negative characteristics are as follows: nail biting (both hands and feet), chews on EVERTYHING (paper, pencils, pens and pen tops, Nintendo stylus pens, staples, paperclips, to name a few) knuckle cracking (all the time) more so when we are conversing with her ~she knows it annoys the heck out of me~ deliberately does things she knows are unacceptable, then lies about them, annoys the heck out of her sisters starts arguments with them, she will walk by them and kick at them or skims the top of their heads, taps the 4 y os head, will throw her unwanted things (whatever they may be) into the 9y os room, disrespectful of her things and ours, homework will not get finished until she is ready to finish it or until I stop EVERYTHING I am doing and sit with her (most of the time up to 2 hours) and walk her through the material step by step, by now everyone is in an uproar cause mom is preoccupied, will sit down at the supper table and announce this is disgusting, people in jail eat better than this! Extremely non empathetic, one questions we ask her often is Makala if I were to do that to you how would that make you feel? or how would you feel if someone says that to you? 90% of the time she will not, cannot, or just blatantly refuse to answer! Oh, one of her ultimate answers is dont know, dont care!!
A little bit, not much, background ~~ I will answer ANY questions and fill in any blanks if and or when asked. Makala is an intelligent, big hearted, adventurous, clever, not so ordinary 13 year old adolescent. Her biological father and I separated, after close to one year of bi-monthly counseling, before she was 1. He packed up and moved to Arizona, we live in Indiana. I remarried a long lost sweet heart (Tony), a man I had been a platonic friend with all through high school. Makala was 18 months when we started dating and 3 when we married. From the time she was infant she and my dad had an inseparable bond, she was basically the 1st born (I do have a 22 year old daughter ~ Christa ~ who I placed for adoption in 1984, we were reunited in Nov. of 2004). We lost him to cancer at age 57, only 5 years ago. I am sure that by now you may see a possible abandonment problem.
My dad was an insightful, intelligent, understanding man, a Hero if you will He used to say her (Makala) imagination is, out of this world, send her to Hollywood, her drama is outstanding, she is gonna give you all the troubles you gave your mom and I. Well let me tell you I NEVER imagined he would be right (again) or that he would leave me to pick up the pieces over and over and over again.
Makalas Pediatrician has given the diagnosis of bi-polar/depression/ADD ~ however he goes on to say that there is such a fine line between bi-polar and ODD we will monitor, could be either or maybe both. She has been on a variety of medications as well as a combination of them, some are as follows: depakote, ambilify, concerta, wellbutrin, to name a few that come to mind with out looking them up. She is now on trileptal 1200 mg., celexa 40 mg., and adderall 25mg. Often times she opts not to take her medications, says they, do not help, my friends say I do not need them, I do not care how I feel or what I do
Moving on ~ we have seen behavioral challenges with Mak for 10 years now. We have been to 4 different counselors; the last one telling us that she was not qualified enough to work with Mak any further. She gave us a paper with referrals on it.
We went to see a new childs psychiatric yesterday Tuesday the 8th we were in the office for close to 2 hours, literally. She was able to put on her perfect charm at first, then we switched to the poor me, if mom and dad would understand I am just a teenager they would not be so mean to me. After some talking we went to the I am such a bad kid, my mom and dad are good parents and they should not have such a bad kid song and dance. The dr. left the room came back in told me, Childrens Hospital has one of the best psychiatric wards and they will be waiting for you, can you be there in an hour? Oh my goodness, I could not believe what was going on. Needless to say, I told him that had been considered, but was my ABSOLUTE last choice. He gave me 3 different phone numbers, a new medication, geodon, and 2 other appointments this week, 1 tomorrow with the adolescent therapist and 1 Friday with him.
I will stop here and hope that I have not completely bored ALL of you who took the time to read this and pray some of you may be able to help me help my family as well as understand Makala.
PS~I would like some help on the acronyms in the forum(s)
Thanks for reading (listening)