My son retained fluid behind his eardrums. Antibiotics neither cleared up the fluid, of course because that's not what they do, reduced the pain, or prevented infections, which were likely viral anyway, that cause the fluid to build up. We had tubes done twice which prevented problems as long as the tubes were in. We had his adenoids, which turned out to be quite large, removed but that didn't seem to help. Eventually, after years of doctoring for this ear pain and fluid build up (the pain is the pressure on the ear drum), we were in the doctor's office when one ear drum burst on it's own, just as the doctor was going from checking that ear to the other one. The relief was immediate. My son was young enough to believe that the doctor did something to make him better when all he had done was examined the ear and was ready to leave the office. That is the last time we went to the doctor for ear pain. We decide that there is nothing that the doctor could do to prevent or cure the problem short of putting tubes back in. From that point on, when my son got/gets that pain, he takes Tylenol and/or aspirin, deals with the pain which goes away just as fast as if we went to the doctor and got an antibiotic.