Mirabelle, these places are all different so I'm trying to read between the lines. It could be he is in a different rehab run by the same people. Hopefully something that's a better match for him. Usually the rules are pretty strict. I'm kind of surprised he's doing his own laundry in a 90 day rehab, but then the class requirement is very typical of a rehab. I hope the duel diagnosis really is what they are doing, most just have appointments available with psychiatrists off site if the person says they want to see one. It really seems they are keeping their eyes on him, I doubt he found another place to be, probably someone there kept in contact with him and persuaded him to go back, in a different building.
Thing about their interest, usually it runs out when the insurance money runs out. Then companies who run halfway houses come in and try to get them in there. They (you) pay at the halfway houses, have requirements for attending AA/NA meetings, chores, house meetings, and getting a job. Some places are good, some not so good.
If it's private pay, like the failure to launch program my son was in, sure they wanted to keep getting that huge payment every month but my son led two others into taking Coricidin cough and cold to get high. At that point my son was supposed to sleep outside on their property with a tent and a sleeping bag for a few days. He took off instead. I think their view at that time was is if he was going to put others in danger and not accept the repercussions they'd rather he leave than take my money. How they didn't know he was gone I'll never know.
He got in trouble for talking during dinner?
Interpretation ~ He was giving someone who works there grief during dinner.
If my stepson was street smart we wouldn't be as concerned. He has spent time on the street but he overestimates his ability to take care of himself.
My son has had very little time on the street, especially compared to how long he resisted reality. But he also overestimated himself and had a hard time. These days he says he would never want to be in a position where he had no safe place to live ever again.