Monday: flooding all around, stuck home with both difficult child's. I get depressed watching coverage of VA Tech shooting from beginning to end. <evening> difficult child II tried to physically assault difficult child I, d/h tries to break it up and.........
Tuesday: noon at work and I get a call from school, there's an officer there that wants to talk to me about incident the night before involving difficult child II and d/h, our 1st DYFS experience, and thankfully I can say nothing but positive things thus far although I am less then thrilled that it happened.
Wednesday: try to take difficult child II to Dr's to verify he has no physical signs of abuse, difficult child II has fit and cracks car window from kicking it
Thursday: mid day I get a call from school, I cringe as I answer, but it is HS calling about difficult child I who is refusing to do his work and his teacher is po'd. Come home from work & get a call from school again difficult child II got in a fight and they want me to come pick him up. difficult child II tells teacher he wants to "kill himself", 6 hours in the ER to get a joke of an emergency psychiatric consult.
Friday: home with difficult child II and missing work way too much this week
School psychologist tells me what I should be doing as difficult child II is screaming at the top of his lungs and kicking my bedroom door.
And gee now comes the weekend, sorry venting
Tuesday: noon at work and I get a call from school, there's an officer there that wants to talk to me about incident the night before involving difficult child II and d/h, our 1st DYFS experience, and thankfully I can say nothing but positive things thus far although I am less then thrilled that it happened.
Wednesday: try to take difficult child II to Dr's to verify he has no physical signs of abuse, difficult child II has fit and cracks car window from kicking it
Thursday: mid day I get a call from school, I cringe as I answer, but it is HS calling about difficult child I who is refusing to do his work and his teacher is po'd. Come home from work & get a call from school again difficult child II got in a fight and they want me to come pick him up. difficult child II tells teacher he wants to "kill himself", 6 hours in the ER to get a joke of an emergency psychiatric consult.
Friday: home with difficult child II and missing work way too much this week
School psychologist tells me what I should be doing as difficult child II is screaming at the top of his lungs and kicking my bedroom door.
And gee now comes the weekend, sorry venting