Pootie - Ransom


Spork Queen
Never heard of such a thing. Low lifes. I hope Pootie poos 20 tons of poo on them.

Actually, I got snookered yesterday. I should have known better. We had two guys outside of my store collecting money for 'supposedly' Teen Help. I go in and out of the store doing whatever odd job (usually chasing down flying carts) and chatted with them a few seconds each time. When it came time for my gifted 10 minute break, I went out to read their little paper. I asked them if they were part of the company, or part of the recovery. They said recovery. So, I gave them $20 which they put in an official looking thing.

Well, about 30 minutes later the police came in and arrested these guys. It was a total scam.

Didn't get my $20 back, but it makes it so you can't trust people.

Now, I'm going to have to research dog ransoms.

Edit: Just Googled it. My gosh. What people will do.
